From the desk of: Scot McKay – X & Y Communications
My uncle Bob was a great guy. He was an Eagle Scout, then an aviator in the Navy. He worked on cars and had a pristine ’69 Corvette Stingray.
When he passed away from cancer, I flew back to Baltimore for his funeral. I had moved west years before and hadn’t actually been to his home in ages. Everything was exactly the same, including the “plastic pig” in the garage.
Uncle Bob had gotten his set-up dialed in, and didn’t mess with it ever again. Something about that haunted me, and yet I shook it off. But nineteen more years have passed since.
Over that course of time, I’ve met the woman of my dreams, we’ve had two amazing kids together and life is wonderful. But not long ago I started pondering how we’ve lived in the same house all that time. We pretty much have the same furniture. I’ve driven the same truck since 2009. The walls pretty much look the same.
The clincher? After having traveled to over 100 countries with Emily, we hadn’t really left the country in four years. Sure, COVID happened, but that only covers a couple years of that gap.
Was “been there, done that” really good enough? I came to the sober realization that we could die here….and probably be happy as we did. The proverbial frog had been boiled.
We have let the sands pass through the hourglass, carefree about letting happy, sentimental memories rule our thoughts…even though there is so much more out there.
The global pandemic disrupted everyone and everything worldwide. That was against our will. Now, having adapted and done the best you could with the hand that was dealt, you sense you’re a survivor. You landed on your feet.
So now, armed with that mindset of newfound confidence and courage, you get to call the shots. This time, YOU get to disrupt your life in the best way possible…on your terms.
The question is why isn’t everyone doing that?
It’s amazing how people behaved like sheep for the past couple of years. But our post-modern suburban lifestyle had already lulled us to sleep. It happens to nearly everyone in our culture.
Before we know it, we’re hypnotized by routine. We’re convinced living in a cocoon of comfort is enough, when there’s still a yearning simmering just below the surface. There’s a big, amazing world out there. We only get one life in which to experience the fullness of it.
Instead of continuing to go with the flow of the post-COVID status quo, all of us need a wake up call.
It’s 100% true. Something has GOT to give here. Our very livelihood–and our legacy–depend on it.
So then, how do we make it happen?
Un-Settled is as descriptive a title for this journey as one could ask for. In joining this band of brothers, you are not only guaranteed never to get “settled in your ways” (the worst insult when getting older), but you will also be challenged to never, ever settle for less than your full potential.
Let me be as real, transparent, up front and vulnerable with you guys as it gets. I’ve been swindled into “suburban sleepwalking” as much as the next guy. And I’m as fed up as you are.
I’m not just the moderator for Un-Settled, I’m on the front lines in the trenches with you…determined to reach the peak.
If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time. Un-Settled will give you focus and determination…alongside a cadre of like-minded men who together lift each other to greatness.
General Chuck Yeager was 97 when he passed a couple of years ago. On what turned out to be his last birthday, he was asked if he remembered what first inspired him to fly. His answer was immediate and definitive. “The pilots had clean fingernails and pretty girls on their arms.” Imagine…in a post-modern world where the Lockheed SR-71 and Concorde have come and gone, the first man ever to defy the sound barrier was still on Twitter in 2020. Ironically enough, many men live in mortal fear of leaving the house, even as most accidents involving injury happen in the home. Meanwhile, The Right Stuff springs eternal. If any man ever legitimately earned his wings, it was Gen. Yeager.
Look, we’ve all made it this far, and celebrated this many birthdays…which in many of our cases is miraculous in itself.
What hasn’t killed you has made you stronger, whether you realize it or not. You’re a survivor of toxic relationships, you’ve been fired from jobs by bosses who were jerks, and have maybe even sacrificed your dreams.
But here is the shocking reality check…
As men, we do what we’re meant to do until we’re done with it. Then, we move on to what’s next. You don’t get just one shot, succeed or fail.
Teddy Roosevelt was a wilderness explorer, businessman and even a Rough Rider. He once got shot before a political speech, and gave the speech anyway. He paved the way for future presidents who were far from “career politicians”, having been successful entrepreneurs, peanut farmers, movie actors and even reality show hosts in their own right.
Martin Luther King, Jr. went from church preacher to civil rights icon, and is currently the only man with a United States bank holiday dedicated solely in his honor. Audie Murphy was a five-foot-nothing enlisted soldier whose heroism earned him the Congressional Medal of Honor. After World War 2, he went on to star in Hollywood motion pictures.
David Livingstone gave up his “day job” to explore East Africa, becoming an abolitionist in the process. Lou Gehrig was a great baseball player, but only upon his tragic diagnosis with ALS publicly proclaimed he was the “luckiest man alive”, inspiring millions. These were men who knew what it meant to LIVE. Whether they lived long lives or were taken too soon, “purpose” had multi-faceted meaning to them.
These were indeed men, just like you and me. But they chose to push for greatness. Not perfection by any stretch, but rather the constant pursuit of it. Life is truly a journey, and it’s one our masculine nature strives for.
How about you? Do you feel like time is passing so fast, as if you’re falling behind…left in the lurch? Does the very definition of “success” elude you?
Real men break free from passive acceptance and embrace the challenge of real passion, purpose and honor. CHANGE and a NEW ADVENTURE make you feel ALIVE.
It’s like an adrenaline rush, albeit one that probably won’t actually kill you. Nevertheless, too many men have NEVER felt it. If you have, I trust you haven’t forgotten what it feels like to care about something and/or someone so much you would be willing to die for the cause.
Yes, you can–and will–feel it again. That is what Un-Settled is all about. Satisfaction and fulfillment based on a life well-lived will surely follow. And yes, the very women you want to attract will notice.
If you’ve see the classic Clint Eastwood film The Outlaw Josey Wales (and who hasn’t?), you already know it’s all about one man’s journey after his world gets rocked to the core. Along the way, it’s crystal clear he’s all about feeling alive. He drops wisdom on a younger guy: “Dyin’ aint’ no way to make a living, boy.” He finds himself disgusted at the furtive passivity of several soldiers, who apparently would rather “whistle Dixie” than step up like men. Clint Eastwood himself has never been one to whistle Dixie. He has been a mayor, a real estate investor and at 92 years old still directs. Gran Torino was supposed to have been his last picture—a movie about dying well—and that was well over a decade ago.
Just like in that other great western movie Tombstone, this is a reckoning.
Un-Settled is a call to action, built on the foundation of a real plan.
You don’t have to be a former Navy S.E.A.L., out in the woods next to a campfire, talking like Sam Elliott and driving cattle.
But it is your solemn duty as a man to go out and LIVE…driven by whatever fuels you to breath the air, experience the adrenaline and FEEL ALIVE.
Maybe you’re coming off of a tough breakup, are recently divorced or even widowed. You could be retired or discharged from the military.
Perhaps your career has grown stale. Maybe you’re still where you’ve always been–even in the town you were BORN in–wondering if there’s more, and if so, how to reach for it.
Well, we as men indeed have that yearning that never goes away as long as we live. It may be best described as ambition, wanderlust or straight-up masculine energy; but to deny its presence is to die inside slowly.
Make no mistake about it. The slow, subtle demise brought about by suburban comfort and ennui is what is choking out that feeling of being “alive”. There’s no purpose to be found in that, despite a false sense of security. There’s nothing to get excited about. No joy.
So many guys are EXACTLY alike…letting life happen TO them, instead of FOR them. I see it every day. It’s written all over the face of the young guy behind the counter at Office Depot, who has the same apathetic yet frustrated demeanor as the one who answers the phone at the insurance office.
There’s a latent rage against the machine just under the surface. But chances are these guys will all still wake up tomorrow doing exactly what they did yesterday…for the next however many years until they either wake up within or die.
But all the while, all it takes is to do SOMETHING. You don’t have to reinvent, just redirect and LIVE. It’s like Aikido for your life. Use your own potential energy to change directions.
Believe it or not, it’s much harder to make the decision to part with your habits–including your stuff–than it is to actually make the change. But the exhilarating part is there is no regret on the other side, only a powerful sense of fulfillment.
Steve McQueen was proclaimed the undisputed “King of Cool”. Hints of the complex reason why can be found throughout his life. Sure, McQueen’s character in the movie Bullitt was the inspiration for “The Fonz”, but the coolest part is the final scene where he looks himself in the mirror…the only man with integrity in the entire story. Meanwhile, he starred in other flicks like LeMans and On Any Sunday, not really acting per se, but rather portraying his adrenaline-laced real-life passions apart from his “side hustle” as a Hollywood leading man. When you inspire other badasses in their own right like Paul Newman to reach higher and do more, you’re making an impact. “Racing was life” in the movies, but how much Steve McQueen packed into his short 49 years on this planet is clear evidence he did anything but wait around between hot laps.
The ironic part? I had left my first career as an intervention counselor to ‘at risk’ teenagers when that life became too much of a vida loca for a newly-married man.
But the truth was it had been time to move on from that anyway. As is so poignantly told to Lightning McQueen in Pixar’s Cars 3, “the kids will decide when you’re done”, and they did.
Yet, a mere seven years later, both my wife and Corporate America had once again told me I was finished. Having closed sales worth nearly a half-billion dollars, I stubbornly refused to believe that at first. But once again, I had done everything I could. Working for a Fortune 50 company making a Fortune 10 company richer really had started feeling empty. It was time for another purpose.
That came, of course, in the form of getting my future relationships with women handled. Having dated over 100 wonderful women on the way to meeting Emily, I became passionate about empowering other men to greatness in that area as well.
Contentment with mediocrity is not in our DNA as men. We are not designed to languish in a latent state, ensconced in a post-modern environment of apparent “safety”. In a world where too many men feel a nagging desire for SOMETHING extra, which even they often can’t define, Un-Settled is all about finding our true, authentic path to fulfillment as men.
You know that feeling you get when you walk out of the theater after a superhero movie? The one where you feel inspired to take on the world like a badass? Well, not only are we going to harness that energy, we’re going to fly.
In late 2020, a group of like-minded men gathered. They challenged each other to get unstuck, go for more, reach for a bigger purpose and never look back.
Every fluff-free minute of Un-Settled was devoted to life lived with passion, excitement and excellence.
The six core sessions have now been made available in MP3 audio format, completely remastered with full transcripts.
And yes, like the original attendees, you’ll be able to ask all the questions you want. A 30-minute LIVE coaching call with me is included.
Evel Knievel is, to this day, the only human being who has ever been allowed to wear a cape. Nobody in American history has resembled a real-life superhero more. He reportedly broke every bone in his body at least once. Whenever Evel was on Wide World Of Sports on a Saturday afternoon, the world stopped to watch…in awe. Every neighborhood kid on a Schwinn Sting-Ray built ramps and jumped stuff. Years after his day in the limelight passed, he granted a rare interview with sportscaster Jim Rome. After mentioning his chances of surviving the infamous Snake River jump attempt had been about 50/50, Rome wondered aloud why he would proceed with such a feat. The grizzled Knievel left the notoriously cocky radio host utterly speechless when he calmly responded, “You know who the hell I am?” Robert Craig Knievel lived on his own terms. He craved adrenaline. His fame was over the top, and the overwhelming affection of women was a given. He ultimately died from hard living as an old man, not from the sudden stop at the end of a long fall. Of the many risks he took, there was never any danger of “rusting out”.
Health, fitness, relationships, career, social, pastimes, expanded horizons… What do we do to distract ourselves from our real concerns? Handling uncomfortable notions, ideas and eventually actions is what being a man is all about.
Meanwhile, life is what happens while we’re busy making other plans.
When you pull the trigger to get on board the Un-Settled train, this is what you can expect:
Unlike airlines and hotel chains, only a shop full of pragmatic scientists wouldn’t skip the number “13”. Ask the crew of the infamous Apollo 13 and they would tell you luck had nothing to do with it. Complications happen, and you deal with them like men. Years ago, I had the privilege of meeting Apollo 13 pilot Fred Haise, who nonchalantly confirmed the rumor I had heard about how he had aimed the spacecraft back toward Earth by line-of-sight. As absolutely nuts as that sounds, failure was truly (and famously) not an option. What if YOU could be as focused, yet nimble with your life? Or do you need every little thing planned, preferably by someone else? Just look at that photograph of the original astronauts above. These weren’t “pretty boys” on the silver screen, they were everyday badasses who drove for more, taking the lead of John Glenn (who went on to serve in the US Congress).