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Invincible is about bulletproof confidence, superheroic boldness, crushing old patterns of shame and guilt and knowing what to say and do in virtually any situation with women.
It’s about leaving limiting beliefs in the rear-view mirror, knowing what you want and doing what it takes to get it…all the while being a man of strength and character.
When you take a look at the individual modules that are included in Invincible, it’ll occur to you that each and every one of them could be a standalone program in its own right.
My personal favorite is the grand finale, “How To Be Amazing Without Really Trying”. It’s about how to hear the magic words “you’re amazing” from women without having to learn any new skills, memorize any new tactics or anything of the sort.
You simply flip the switch on “amazing”…starting today:
This is a sweet plan of action, guys, and a solid head start on wild success from now on. Get in on this one:
Take Care,
P.S. Yes, this program is completely different from any of the others. Everything in it is brand new and purpose-built to empower you to bold, dominant greatness.
P.P.S. This isn’t for everyone and will anger many. It’s the most outspoken truth I’ve encountered in a LONG time.
P.P.P.S. And yes, if Invincible is for you, your relationship status doesn’t matter. Married, in a relationship or single…you’ll stand up and cheer:
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve been shocked and amazed by how brazen the anti-male movement has gotten.
The #MeToo hashtag is purposefully vague so as to shame practically any male for virtually any “offense”, all the while cheapening actual sexual assault and fostering a victim mentality among more women than ever.
And the pace at which the rich and famous are being called out, shamed and being ruined for sexual offenses–sometimes without any hard evidence, let alone due process–is enough to cause any man to run for his life.
But see, the truth is you’re NOT one of those guys.
You’re not a monster simply because you’re male and heterosexual.
And just because so many are being hit with allegations doesn’t mean you’re next to be accused.
Meanwhile, the vast majority of women are still 100% female and heterosexual. They never wanted it to come to this either.
Bold, confident masculinity is what turns on feminine sexual urges.
Sex is the most powerful force in the universe, and—news flash—politics can’t stop it and more than you and I could stop a freight train.
Remember, without you women are left unsatisfied…AND the human race would be extinct in 100 years.
So how do you wrap your head around this?
How do you attract women and interact with them without ever having to worry about them blowing the “sexual harassment” whistle on you?
How can you–even as a regular, decent guy–expect to initiate physical, sexual contact without having the “rape police” called on you?
These are the questions men ask my friend and long-time dating coach Scot McKay every day.
Hell, even WOMEN are writing him asking why men don’t even LOOK at them anymore, let alone talk to them or ask them out.
Obviously, it’s all spiraling out of control at breakneck speed.
Just yesterday I read an article about how male managers aren’t even hiring women anymore, and male employees are practically begging their bosses not to be put in the “socially perilous” position of working with women.
It’s gotten to where nearly ALL of us see virtually ANY interaction with ANY woman as a surefire way to have our reputations, careers and even our very freedom itself brought to ruins…again, all without due process.
So WHAT ARE WE TO DO? I mean…should we drown in porn and die alone?
Hell no. There are rational, objective answers…and they make perfect sense when you know the truth:
Get The Women You Want…Even In Today’s World
Guys, this is what Invincible is ALL about. My friend Scot McKay began work on this magnum opus project several years ago, shortly after the “street harassment” videos started sprouting up on YouTube.
Indeed, most of us saw this coming, but unlike others who stuck their head in the sand hoping the toxic gender politics would eventually subside and go away, he knew we had to hit this head on.
Your masculinity and your very future was, and remains, at stake.
Invincible brings answers, and it delivers actionable steps to succeed with women despite the current state of affairs in the world.
Leave that sinking feeling of frustration behind and take your power back, once and for all.
There’s nothing better than rising above the social melee surrounding male/female relations nowadays and getting the women you want ANYWAY…even as they adore you for it:
Don’t Let The Shamers Win
The real, feminine women out there are waiting for you to step up:
Take Care,
P.S. Yes, this program is completely different from any of the others. Everything in it is brand new and purpose-built to empower you to bold, dominant greatness.
P.P.S. This isn’t for everyone and will anger many. It’s the most outspoken truth I’ve encountered in a LONG time.
P.P.P.S. And yes, if Invincible is for you, your relationship status doesn’t matter. Married, in a relationship or single…you’ll stand up and cheer:
The most frequent topic in men’s dating and relationship advice is CONFIDENCE. That’s because it’s the absolute cornerstone on which attraction is built.
When you believe women want you, they will. When you don’t, they won’t.
This is BY FAR the #1 indicator of which men get the women they want, while all the rest look on in utter frustration.
If you’ve experienced the frustration of lacking confidence with women, know that you ARE NOT ALONE.
Almost EVERY man deals with it in life at one point or another.
But relatively few guys ever conquer the issue once and for all. I want you to be one of those fortunate men.
Life is truly about as good as it gets when you can be that cool, confident and BOLD man virtually every minute of every day.
That’s why so many good and decent men like you are stepping up and taking their masculine power back…all the while gaining the confidence to move mountains:
If you want to avoid the stress, embarrassment and worst of all the rejection most men live with for their entire lives, you’ve got to take a bold step…
And yes…you have to be bold with YOURSELF first in order to be bold with a woman.
You’ve got to make the firm decision that TODAY is the day you say “enough is enough”.
And from this very moment forward start living your life as a man who enjoys the company of exactly the women he wants, whenever he wants.
No matter what the media would have us believe, the truth is that the vast majority of us as men want only to treat a good woman right.
We’re all about being her hero.
But tragically, more good, decent men just like you than ever before have simply given up…thinking that meeting real, live women just isn’t worth the trouble OR the perceived risk of “bothering” them.
Some guys have even trained themselves to stop noticing women altogether.
But meanwhile, the truth has been hiding in plain sight.
Despite all of the negative media, it’s still true (and always will be) that women WILL follow the lead of a man who is bold and confident, and they’ll LOVE him for it.
Even high quality women themselves are left shaking their heads.
They have NO IDEA what to do…except wait…and hope…that a great man like you will rise above the fray and boldly turn her on.
That can ONLY mean that they’re depending on YOU to sort all of this out…and FAST:
It’s no wonder that Invincible is emerging as perhaps the most profound and powerful program for men in 2019.
It gives you everything you need to escape the “Just Be Friends Zone” and be the bold, confident, real man she craves.
And that’s a feeling that every man deserves to experience in this life:
Join countless other men worldwide who have already started taking their power back…to the delight of feminine women everywhere.
Take Care,
P.S. Yes, this program is completely different from any of the others. Everything in it is brand new and purpose-built to empower you to bold, dominant greatness.
P.P.S. This isn’t for everyone and will anger many. It’s the most outspoken truth I’ve encountered in a LONG time.
P.P.P.S. And yes, if Invincible is for you, your relationship status doesn’t matter. Married, in a relationship or single…you’ll stand up and cheer:
Go ahead and read that subject line again. What if you really believed that…and lived your life accordingly?
Practically ZERO men do.
Some doubt they even can after all they’ve been through. To them it sounds like a pipe dream at best, if not downright naïve and foolish.
Now, don’t get me wrong. In the real world women most certainly CAN hurt you.
My friend Scot McKay has surely been there. If you heard the story of his past relationships, you could completely understand how he would be SUPER cautious about women. Maybe even bitter.
He probably has as good a case for “going his own way” as any man could.
Yes, women can reject you and make fun of you when you approach them.
They can take control on dates and start hammering you with impossible, embarrassing questions.
They could theoretically blow the “rape whistle” on you as soon as you show any romantic interest at all.
You might worry that they’ll publicly shame you or even slap fake allegations on you.
Or maybe they’ll take all the steak dinners and “shopping dates” you can dish out…only to dump you anyway.
And then there’s the infamous family law system. Women can take your kids and half the bank account, leaving you all alone with nothing to show for it but an empty apartment and monthly payments.
But here’s the thing: They usually don’t.
No, seriously. Most women aren’t out to get anyone. They want a REAL MAN, and they want to live happy lives that are free of drama.
So maybe you haven’t met any women like that lately. But here’s the hard question: How have you been leading?
Every time I hear from a guy who has formally sworn off women forever (e.g. Men Going Their Own Way) I feel their frustration, but I’m also sad for them.
And I’ve noticed that even those guys spend a whole lot of their time thinking and talking about…(drum roll)…women.
We want women to WANT us. It’s that simple.
That’s why the mindset Scot is talking about is SO important:
“Women can’t hurt me, nor do they even want to.”
I’ll just throw it on the table for you. It was the realization of this idea that first inspired the Invincible program.
And I too know FIRST HAND how powerful it is.
Think about it…almost every leading man in the movies who gets the girl has this mindset, right?
What has Hollywood figured out that most of us haven’t? After all, the kind of movies with these guys in them are mostly made for WOMEN.
All the years guys spend worrying about whether girls would reject them, whether or not they were “bothering” them…even wringing their hands about how to keep their marriage together…
…the only pattern that resulted from that was PAIN.
But bold, confident POWER comes from the simple realization that YOUR confidence in women DIRECTLY results in their confidence in you.
It’s like MAGIC.
They all eat it up. That’s what they’ve wanted from a guy all along.
But still…NOBODY TALKS LIKE THIS. Nobody is teaching this mindset.
For years and years it’s all been about how to somehow trick women before they can trick you.
Or how to somehow get what you can from them before the whole house of cards invariably falls apart.
That’s just messed up, when you really think about it.
Are you intrigued by this? What if you could actually live your life believing “women can’t hurt you, nor do they even want to”?
All the simple steps are in Scot McKay’s all-new Invincible program. And of course, that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg:
Take Care,
P.S. Yes, this program is completely different from any of the others. Everything in it is brand new and purpose-built to empower you to bold, dominant greatness.
P.P.S. This isn’t for everyone and will anger many. It’s the most outspoken truth I’ve encountered in a LONG time.
P.P.P.S. And yes, if Invincible is for you, your relationship status doesn’t matter. Married, in a relationship or single…you’ll stand up and cheer.
You’ll find audios on how to be amazing without even trying, how to crush guilt and shame, what women mean when they say they want a “dominant” man in the bedroom, and much more.
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