X & Y Communications - Deserve What You Want

Behind Closed Doors - Swipe Copy
The Man's Approach

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SUBJECT (OPTION ONE):  X-Ray Vision Into Her Deepest Fantasies?

SUBJECT (OPTION TWO):  Know What She Wants And How To Give It To Her



What if your woman suddenly jumped on top of you, pounded your chest with both fists and yelled, “YOU ARE THE KING!” at the top of her lungs?

It’s happened, you know.

But has it happened to YOU lately?

Let’s face it, most guys live such boring, mundane lives that even the idea of BAD sex sounds GOOD to them.

Woody Allen once said something like that.

Yeah, well…fortunately, Woody Allen was WRONG.

Only GOOD sex is GOOD.  And GREAT sex is even BETTER.

But listen, if you want sexcapades like the fist-pounding episode I mentioned above to happen to you in REAL LIFE then there are TWO bullet points you’ve GOT to check off:

  • You’ve got to be able to ROCK your woman’s world into orbit around Planet Squirt-gasm…and back.
  • You’ve got to have the x-ray vision necessary to identify and CHOOSE a woman who’s amazing enough in bed HERSELF to jump on top of you to begin with.

Most of us have been unfairly duped into believing all of that is super complicated.

But it’s really not…once you get Behind Closed Doors:




I’ll tell you, once you see who’s behind that link above you might be shocked.

He may be the last guy to “kiss and tell”, but here’s a secret:  The woman in his life is a VERY, VERY happy girl.

So yeah, he “walks the talk”.

But the real GENIUS lies in the simple fact that he assembled a WORLD-CLASS “dream team” of sexperts…putting together one of the most complete plans for OFF THE CHARTS sheet-ripping festivities I’ve seen in ages:




So how about it?

Have you been feeling lately that it’s going to take Samuel L. Jackson in a black suit and a Jheri curl to get your libido’s attention?

Is your burning desire to please your woman going up in smoke?

Do you find yourself unprepared for class when you’re supposed to be “in session”?

Do you keep settling for vanilla when “peach ripple delight” is the special flavor of the day?

Has this e-mail been the most sexual excitement you’ve had in months?

Suffice it to say that if you’ve answered “yes” to even ONE of these questions, then you need to get your hands on THIS as if your (sex) life depends on it:




Love always,



P.S  Fair Warning:  This is one funky web site.  But in all seriousness, what I REALLY RESPECT is how the guy behind it is all about telling you EXACTLY what you can expect once you tear into his program.




And as he’s been doing for nearly a solid decade now, he OVER DELIVERS.

Let me tell you, you’ll be nothing short of amazed by what’s there.



Sometimes when you’re out and around a certain woman catches your eye.

Scratch that…she lassos your attention like the little cowgirl she is and practically gives you whiplash in the process.

It’s an exhilarating feeling, isn’t it?  Just one look and you know immediately that she was MADE for sex and is capable of ANYTHING.

You’re distracted…suddenly forgetting anything else that was just on your mind.

All you can think about is the irresistible fantasy of playing with her like a sex toy…willingly intoxicated by her glorious naked femaleness.

Obviously, it’s easy to spot a woman who you could easily become sexually obsessed with.

But what about the kind of woman I call a “Sex Princess”?

THAT’S the kind of woman who will become sexually obsessed with YOU…

…Getting drunk off of your masculine power and the sexual ecstasy you give her.

Even behind a conservative appearance, she’s sexually adventurous beyond your wildest dreams and addicted to pleasuring you in every way you can imagine.

She’s not so easy to identify, is she?  (HINT:  She’s just as likely to be a librarian or a kindergarten teacher as a stripper or a porn star.)

But when you find her, your sex life exceeds your wildest imagination.

That’s why it’s crucial to recognize all the “hidden” signals your own, private Sex Princess is sending you.

It’s probably happening EVERY DAY.  And you have more willing, eager Sex Princesses than you think.

All you have to do is choose them.  Here’s how:




Obviously, you want a woman who is BOTH a “Sex Toy” and a “Sex Princess”.

What would you call such a woman, other than “incredible”?

“Sex Kitten” might work…

Once your “Sex Kitten” purrs that long-anticipated, innocently worded question about “how fast we can get her out of these clothes”, you’ll quickly realize this is the best investment you’ve ever made:




Why any man would wait even another minute to make that happen I don’t know.  Go for it!


Talk Soon,



P.S.  The first step to having mindblowing, toe-curling, sheet-ripping sexcapades with the woman you really want is right here:






It’s by far the most tragic irony when it comes to our sex lives as men.

We fantasize our brains out about women, getting them naked and having a wild, riotous, blackout-inducing tryst with them.

In our minds, that would be about the greatest, most shining moment imaginable…almost too good to be true.

But what happens when we actually find ourselves in the moment, FINALLY able to act out that fantasy with the excited, giggling “sex kitten” who’s already peeling off her lingerie before our very eyes?

All most guys can think about is not blowing their top too fast, if they can manage to “perform” at all.

They worry about what to do.

They worry about whether or not they’ll be able to satisfy her.

And then their brains wander to even darker, more unpleasant and totally unexpected places.

You got it: For most guys, all the FUN gets sapped out of a situation that was supposed to be nothing short of glorious.

But there’s a powerful secret that turns the tables on this tragic mess forever.

From this day forward, imagine mesmerizing the sexiest woman you’ve ever met with pure masculine confidence and sexual bravado in the bedroom.

No more misfires, no more “failure to deploy”, and certainly no more bitter disappointments.

Imagine giving her what she craves so magnificently that she’s calling you midday begging to come over on her lunch break.




Find the “sex kitten” of your dreams and be the sexual master she is desperately hoping you’ll be.

When you do that, I can solemnly assure you that you might not believe what happens next.

It’s like you’ve found a secret pathway to her sex drive and unlocked the door.

What she’s capable of will likely be beyond your imagination:




So how about it? I realize you can watch two girls go at it on video anytime you’d like.

What about REAL answers on how to have a truly satisfying sex life with the woman you really want?


Talk Soon,



P.S. Isn’t it time to make your fantasies become REALITY? Here’s how:




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