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Big 4 Man Challenge - Swipe Copy

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Recently, some of the greatest guys you could ever meet, along with dating coach Scot McKay embarked on a seven week journey called The Big 4 Man Challenge.

According to Scot, the “big four” are the traits that high quality women universally find irresistible in a man.  This journey was all about cultivating them.

By the end of the seven weeks, lives had changed.  Guys could see a REAL difference in how particularly attractive women responded to them.

Thanks to the all-new “Half Step”, getting numbers was a breeze.

Their social circles began to expand, as did their influence within them.

Magical transformations began to happen their careers.  Promotions and pay raises started to become imminent realities instead of just pipe dreams.

The men who were on board got proven (but completely counter-intuitive) steps to getting promoted at work…which I  guarantee nobody else will ever be willing to disclose.

Online dating became nothing short of a bonanza for many.  Once  the “Projection Profile” strategy was unleashed to them they were off and running, sometimes getting a half-dozen meetings with new women per week.

In other words, they started WINNING…big time.

These guys started seeing the reality of what they’d always said they wanted happening right before their very eyes:




Now YOU can enjoy the luxury of immediate gratification.  Each epic session is yours on demand as soon as you dive into the private Member’s Area.

These are LIVE, RAW and UNCUT sessions that hit the ground running…covering BRAND NEW content in the seven major areas we as men want to find success in.

Scot is put in the “hot seat” live in each session for the hardest questions from real men all over the world.

It’s the ultimate bootcamp for maximizing your potential as a great man.

Scot will show you how to engage in a courageous confrontation with ANY man who you need to deal with, all the while turning him from an enemy to an ally.  (This alone could be worth EVERYTHING to you).

Then you’ll hear an open forum on how to have the kind of “real deal” relationship Scot and his wife Emily enjoy.

And the sound quality is as crystal-clear as it is in Scot’s other programs because he held the sessions over VoIP from his recording studio.

If you already know you want in, here’s the link.







Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, trapped underneath something very heavy and/or just missed the message completely, you already know about Scot McKay’s Big 4 Man Challenge.

It contains the now legendary “Projection Profile” for online dating, the simple but powerful “Half Step” tactic for getting numbers and MUCH more.

This is all RAW and UNCUT for a completely new and different vibe compared to Scot’s other programs, yet still in crystal-clear audio quality for you to enjoy.

To be clear:  Scot is NOT teaching this whole course again.  You can get your hands on full audios and transcripts of everything that was taught TODAY…without waiting for seven weeks:

As you can imagine, given that this is a COMPLETE program for excellence with women, expanding your social circle AND excelling in the workplace there’s not enough room here to tell you everything The Big 4 Man Challenge will empower you to do.

See the rest (including the testimonials from guys who took part in the live sessions) here:




Go ahead and click that link above.  I don’t want you to miss out on this GOLDEN chance to get what you want most out of life.

Oh, and yes…The Big 4 Man Challenge is backed by a 60 day money-back guarantee, just like Scot’s other programs.

I know you’re going to get every bit as much out of it as did the guys who took the course live (all at quite a savings, I should add).





More than ever before we as men are confronted with ever-increasing confusion about what we’re supposed to do and even who we’re supposed to be.

In the last couple of years in particular there has been an unmistakably sharp increase in the negative tone. It seems like every day a new video is released warning us as men to KEEP AWAY from women.

As if feeling invisible to women isn’t bad enough, it’s as if we’re told to STAY THAT WAY.

We’re told in no uncertain terms that making eye contact with a woman on the street is an aggressive act, let alone actually approaching her and saying “hello”.

One video even infamously labels any male acknowledgment of female as “the gateway drug to rape”. That same clip plays ominous music as a guy merely glances in a woman’s direction as he passes her on the street.

These videos rack up millions of views and hundreds of thousands of “likes”.

But then comes the part where we really want to tear our hair out.

We’re ALSO constantly bombarded with images and sound bites of women openly mourning the demise of “real men” in this post-modern world.

They wonder where their hero is, and when he’ll come sweep them off of their feet.

But…how are we supposed to be a real man—let alone a hero—to a woman if we’re made to feel like vicious criminals for even showing interest in her?

How do we “sweep her off her feet” if we can’t even LOOK at her?




We have been left rudderless in a raging sea…with NO DIRECTION whatsoever.

What in the world do these women WANT? Do they even CARE if there’s a man in their lives, or not?

Just look at these examples of why we as men are more CONFUSED and downright FRUSTRATED than ever…

A woman’s online profile was recently brought to my attention that read as follows:

“You must be a gentleman, but I’m fed up with nice guys.”

There was a completely different one recently that said this:

“I want a man who can rock my world in the bedroom, but whose mind isn’t on sex.”

And it’s safe to say that nearly all of us have heard this one before:

“I want a passionate lover, but I believe in ‘friends first’.”

I’m sure you’ve been left slackjawed and speechless by all of this.

Are women everywhere in lockstep with what the YouTube videos say? Do they REALLY see us as such depraved beings simply for having the audacity to be sexually attracted?

Or do most women still have the same natural wants, needs AND fantasies as ever…but now live in a world where it’s “politically incorrect” to admit it?

The message drummed into our heads in the media is almost NEVER in alignment with what feminine, attractive women of sound mind ACTUALLY think and do in the real world.

This leads to the most shocking thought of all: If WE as men passively accept the message as delivered, more and more WOMEN just might start believing that they’re weird or even wrong for not buying into it as well.

All of the sudden, the truth has become frighteningly clear: Your very identity as a man is in crisis.

As “gentlemen”, are we REALLY supposed to refrain from “bothering” women with our presence…only to have the door slammed on us in anger when we “fail to deploy”?

I mean, is she happier without a man and wants to be left alone…or is she bitterly disappointed that we didn’t kiss her passionately?


And it gets even worse.

Sometimes it’s as if the more we try to do the “right thing”, the more women self-righteously reject us, reserving the right to be RUDE or even downright MEAN to us.

Then, we’re forced to endure watching those SAME WOMEN smile and giggle as they paw up some other random guy who seems like a total LOSER. What is up with that?




Meanwhile, the greatest tragedy of all is that more good, decent men than ever before have simply given up…thinking that meeting real, live women just isn’t worth the trouble OR the perceived risk.

Some men have even commented on my own blog and elsewhere that they’ve actually trained themselves to stop noticing women altogether…the perceived taboo associated with it is just too painful to deal with nowadays.

But ironically, those same men turn to Internet porn in the absence of real, live women in their lives…only adding to the shame and despair. And it HURTS.

Surely it’s “game over” at that point…in the truest sense of the phrase. Both men AND women lose.

So are we all doomed to a life of solitary celibacy from now on?

Not so fast…

Don’t be misled any longer. The status quo is not sustainable.




After all, the vast majority of us are NOT rapists. You’re not a monster, you’re a man. You want only to treat a good woman right.

Meanwhile, it’s still true (and always will be) that women WILL follow the lead of a man who has their best interests in mind, and they’ll LOVE him for it.

That can ONLY mean that they’re depending on US to sort all of this out and find a way to sweep them off of their feet…and FAST.

But the simple fact remains that we’ve GOT to actually meet them in order to do that.

And somehow we’ve GOT to attract them sexually, lest we be banished to the “Just Be Friends Zone”.

You see, we as men are constantly told we’re the PROBLEM, but we’re given no SOLUTION. We’re treated like mushrooms…kept in the dark and fed nothing but $&#$@.

Even high quality women themselves are left shaking their heads.

They have NO IDEA what to do about ANY of this either…except wait…and hope…that a great man will rise above the fray and boldly turn her on.

For most men there is no real roadmap to success…only mass confusion all around.

If you’re like me, you also believe that the current state of affairs is utterly unacceptable. We as men have to find the way to our rightful place in red-blooded women’s hearts, minds AND yes…bedrooms.

Failure is NOT an option. And the truth is that WOMEN are cheering us on.

So, what is it going to take to boldly meet and attract the women WE want…all the while thrilling those very women at their deepest, most feminine level?

Well, in a shocking breakthrough…long-time dating coach Scot McKay is going to show you the solution.

Are you up for The Big 4 Man Challenge?






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