Masterclass For Men
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How Women ThinkHow Women Think

Get Inside The Female Mind

Most men go through life believing it’s impossible to know what a woman is thinking, let alone how her mind works in general.

But there’s no doubt about it: knowledge is power.

As men, we can’t expect to achieve true competence at anything in this life until we KNOW how it works.

Relating to women is no exception. The plain truth is the man who knows the most about what makes women tick will have a devastating advantage over the faceless herd of clueless guys when it comes to getting the girl.

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What Is Going On Inside That Pretty Little Head Of Hers?

Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, you don’t have to wonder any longer. In this unprecedented Masterclass For Men, everything is out in the open.

This time, I’ll be joined by my wife and fellow expert dating coach Emily McKay, who has solemnly vowed to spill all the secrets on over 50 different ways women think.

It's Like Someone Finally Handed You The "Operating Manual"

You are guaranteed to get valid insight into how a woman’s mind works when it comes to just about anything you can think of. That’s because I polled YOU guys before planning this Masterclass…and you’ve been heard.

What’s more, you’ll emerge from this event knowing exactly how to apply everything you discover to attract more–and better quality–women.

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The Spin-Free Zone

There’s no Feminist agenda here, nor is there a “redpilled” one.

Expect 100% pure TRUTH about how women think, without bias toward or against either gender. Just the straight-up, reliable FACTS from both Emily and myself.

And YES…there will be no-holds-barred opportunities for YOUR Q&A both during and after the session. That way no mystery remains unsolved.

Get your ticket to this unique and powerful Masterclass For Men now, before they run out.


Before This Event

  There’s a sneaking suspicion you’re missing opportunities with women constantly

  If and when a date happens, it all remains “cordial”…there’s rarely a true connection

  You find women get jealous easily, and building trust seems impossible

  Just when you think you know a woman, she says or does something completely unexpected

  Whenever you ask, “What’s wrong?”, she always responds, “Nothing”…but you know it’s something

  Relationships often blow apart in frustration…and you’re left wondering why


After This Event

  You easily sense when a woman is attracted, and seize the moment every time

  When you’ve known a woman for ten minutes, it flows like you’ve known her ten years

  Women tell you how safe you make them feel, and open up to you freely

  You finally start spending time with women you actually LIKE, and the two of you “get each other”

  You anticipate women’s desires and thrill them like magic…to the point she says, “You’re amazing!”

  You choose the woman you desire the most, because more women than ever desire YOU

Why Keep You In Suspense? Here Are Over FIFTY Areas Of Female Thought We'll Be Covering...

  • What's the real reason why grasping how women think is so challenging for men?
  • Why do women have such a hard time understanding us as men, too?
  • How are men and women typicallly the same?
  • How are the minds of men and women truly different?
  • What are the pitfalls of assuming women think like men, and vice-versa?
  • What is most important to women in general? I mean, what do they want?
  • ...And why don’t they just freakin’ TELL us what they want instead of expecting us to read their mind?
  • How do broken women think...even as we're led to believe it's normal?
  • Are all women really crazy, especially the hot ones?
  • Why do women say one thing, and then do the complete opposite?
  • Do women nowadays really believe all masculinity is toxic?
  • Do women really want to hijack virtuous masculinity for themselves?
  • Is there such thing as "toxic femininity"? If so, why don't we ever hear about it?
  • Is it normal for women to get THAT jealous?
  • Do women innately understand the masculine/feminine dance better than men?
  • Is she attracted, or just being "nice"?
  • Why is it our wives and girlfriends will passively let us get fat, out of shape and do other unhealthy stuff?
  • What turns a nice, sweet woman into an angry b*tch who nags us all the time?
  • Are women really anxious, scared and live life in fear more than men do?
  • Do women really want men to lead...and respect male leadership?
  • Do women want to be submissive, or even subservient?
  • Why then, do some women say they want to lead, then resent it when we defer to them?
  • How do women really view Feminism?
  • What does "protection" (e.g. the all-important safety and security) look like to women?
  • What does "provision" look like to women? Are they all "gold diggers"?
  • Although potentially confusing, how do women see themselves as providers and protectors also?
  • Are women oblivious to a man's need for security in a relationship?
  • Why are there such wild differences when it comes to music, movies and other entertainment?
  • How is a woman's sense of humor different than a man's?
  • How do women view competition compared to men?
  • Are women really more emotional than logical, and men vice-versa?
  • Women on living in the moment vs. planning...are they all about YOLO, all the time?
  • Women on spending money...the stereotype is they LOVE shopping and finding a guy to pay the bills
  • Women on beauty/pleasure...does this really require spending hours to get ready?
  • Women on serving/luxury/being taken care of...are they all shameless hedonists?
  • Women on vacation/relaxation/ it all about "spa days" and laying on the beach, or what?
  • Women on friendship...why is this so much easier for women than men? (And what's up with their gay friends?)
  • Women on being social...for example, why do they go to the restroom in groups?
  • Women on religion...are "church girls" typically also the "bad girls"?
  • Women on politics...are they really all one-issue voters?
  • What are women really looking for in a man? Do dating site checkboxes tell the story?
  • What are women's biggest turn-ons that pique her sexual interest FAST?
  • What are women's biggest turn-offs that kill men's chances?
  • Why do women put men in the "Just Be Friends Zone"?
  • Is the "male gaze" offensive to women?
  • Are women really not as "visual" as men?
  • Do women want men to approach them? Assuming so, how?
  • What do women truly think about sex? Do they actually like it?
  • If women resent porn so much, how come so many of them look and act like porn stars when naked? (Where'd they learn that?)
  • What do women fantasize about?
  • What do women think about short-term "flings" vs. long-term relationships?
  • How do women view the idea of male penetration and being penetrated, both literally and figuratively?
  • What kind of sex and sexual positions do women tend to like, that would mystify most men?
  • How does a woman define "good in bed"?
  • What, if anything, does the "redpilled" men's movement get right? (e.g. solipsism? hypergamy?)
  • In what way is women’s thinking genuinely evolving?
  • Special Bonuses Included

    1 Month Of Free E-Mail Coaching

    E-Mail Coaching

    ($27 Value)

    My Power Sessions program lets you ask me unlimited email questions, with real answers in 24 hours or less. By special arrangement, for a full month you can get all the clarification you need after enjoying the masterclass.  NOTE: This will NOT auto-renew.

    1-On-1 Phone Consultation With Scot McKay

    Phone Consultation

    ($225 Value)

    It’s easy. Use my online schedule app to get on my calendar for a no-holds-barred 30-minute private Q & A session with me personally. The whole purpose is to make sure your remaining questions about flirting are answered with crystal clarity.

    What Is A Masterclass, Anyway? And How Do I Benefit?

  • Full Video Presentation Powered By Zoom
  • Gain Clarity On A Specific Topic And Remove Sticking Points
  • Permanent Access To The Presentation, Slides And Other Bonuses After The Event
  • Real, Actual Coaching At A Tremendous Cost Savings
  • Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed
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    Here's What's You Get...Including BONUSES

  • A FULL PRESENTATION guaranteed to get you inside the minds of women
  • BONUS: Full access forever to the complete video presentation
  • BONUS: Full access forever to the deck of slides
  • BONUS: 30 days of email coaching with Scot and/or Emily McKay
  • BONUS: 30 minutes of phone coaching time with Scot McKay
  • Frequently Asked Questions


    When Do I Get My Access?

    Immediately after you complete your order, you’ll get a welcome email. Shortly thereafter, you’ll receive full access information via email. If for any reason you don’t get these messages, check your spam. If you still don’t get it, my support team will assist you promptly and efficiently, as always. Contact:


    How Much Of This Will Be Pure Content?

    This Masterclass will hit the ground running with practical, actionable info. We’re making extra sure there’s plenty of time for your questions both during the event at the end, too…all in real time.


    How Do I Access Everything?

    The entire video presentation AND the deck of slides are permanently yours in a state-of-the-art one-stop portal.  You can access it 24/7/365 from anywhere in the world, anytime you want.  You can even ask me questions directly via email and/or on a scheduled 1-on-1 call.


    How Is This Going To Explain How Women Think? Doesn’t Emily Represent Only One Woman’s Opinion?

    For sure, Emily is indeed a woman, so she has innate insight into how women think. But don’t forget, both she and I have been at this dating coaching gig for over seventeen years now. We’ve worked directly with hundreds of women AND men, and often done so together. Add it all up, and she’ll have crystal-clear insight into how women generally think, and for my part I’ll know exactly how to get the right topics addressed and the questions answered.


    How In The World Are You Going To Cover Over FIFTY Ways Women Think In ONE Masterclass?

    The answer to that is dead simple. We’re going to eliminate ALL the fluff and make this as elegantly simple and uncomplicated as it’s supposed to be.


    What If I Have Some Of Your Programs Already, Or Have Hired You As My Coach?

    Nearly everything revealed in this Masterclass will be brand new, or at the very least an elaboration on what we’ve presented in the past. If I’m your personal coach, this is a unique opportunity not only to make sure you get EVERY new secret, but also to hear from Emily as well, and interact with a group of like-minded men in real time. In short, you’ll benefit as much, if not more than any other man in the class.


    If For Any Reason I’m Not Satisfied, What Happens?

    That is extremely unlikely as this Masterclass will over-deliver big time. BUT…if you’re not 100% happy, I’ll give you a full refund. Again, just contact support.

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    You know, I already thought you were a great guy after we talked, but after listening to most of your MASTERCLASS I just want to say that you seem like such a genuine, awesome person. Much appreciation for what you're doing and how you do it.

    I found so many good, RELEVANT nuggets in the class as well that talk about the real issues men should consider along with tips that I know will work with real women in the real world (the "half-step" is genius). Jim
    Loved the second masterclass on bold assertiveness. I have watched it twice and still processing it.Mick
    I can't begin to tell you all the things that I have learned from you. It's been an absolute miracle at how quickly you helped me turn my life around. I’ve discovered and cultivated a level of self-confidence that I have never had in my life, and my hope for future happiness is restored, whereas before I never thought I'd find happiness again. Chuck
    I've gone through countless experts and you've been by far the most grounding force. It's great, you've been a role model and the more experience I develop, the more wisdom I find in all your work. I've learned everything from giving multiple extended orgasms to cooking up a great meal together to being fun at parties. Just had to thank you for all the work you do.Felipe
    You have helped me completely transform myself into a person that I feel is closer to my true self. Your advice does something that is markedly different from the others. You respect and enjoy women, and you emphasize achieving complete self-assuredness and authenticity. That is simply an awesome way to live. Thanks for everything.Phil
    I have to say man, your coaching got to bring out what I have always wanted to bring out of me, and help me find a woman, who even said tonight she loves being my cheerleader. This is the first time in my life where I did not care so much about the getting sex, it was more about tuning into her, creating a connection that in turn brought out passionate feelings within me I never knew I had. The crazy thing is she commented on how much she loves my masculinity. She said she wants to please me in anyway after our first time. Unreal, man. Its quite a feeling.Jim
    I love the way your system works. It validates a lot of stuff I've believed for a long time (i.e. not treating women like targets and manipulating them for specific ends). It's refreshing to read and hear material that focuses on having some respect for the opposite sex.Mike
    I believe I've finally reached a place where I can say that I'm fully satisfied with the quality of women I'm able to bring into my life, thanks to your guidance. You implant in us the knowledge about women that our fathers neglected to do.Gavin
    My girlfriend and I have been happily dating over a year now, and are planning to get married before another year is through. She's such a sweety and she appreciates the way I treat her, which is largely the way you teach. Thanks for all the help and advice.Ben
    I can't thank you enough for all the knowledge that you shed upon me! I learned so much from you in the many conversations we had that you just can't put a price tag on. I never had a hard time attracting women in my life, but when it came to finding the *right* woman, that's where I had my troubles.

    You helped me to start thinking differently about what I really wanted. This allowed me to really sit back and raise my standards and not just settle for anyone anymore.

    After just a few months of talking in depth to you about what I really wanted, I met the perfect *100 out of 100* on my spreadsheet and have finally found the woman who I'll be spending the rest of my life with.

    It doesn't hurt either that I'm her perfect guy as well...I guess that's what being a Big 4 Man is what it comes down to in the end!Nick
    I wanted to let you know that by using your help I have a date with a woman I would have always believed was far out of my league. You see, she is an actress, an honest to goodness, seen her on the TV actress. I met her online, props to you. It went extremely well and she truly is a ten, we hit it off from the start. Thanks, Thanks, Thanks for helping me get here and wish me luck! I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help.Evan
    I wanted to tell you that you are for real. Thank you for providing real value.Mike

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    Scot and Emily McKay

    Scot and Emily McKay

    Scot and Emily McKay are professional dating and relationship coaches, authors, adventure travelers, conference speakers, media personalities and podcast hosts.

    Together they founded X & Y Communications in San Antonio, TX, which focuses on equipping and empowering men and women to find love, live exciting lives and go from good to great in their relationships.

    They reach over 300,000 people all over the world through their newsletters, podcasts and social media.  They are the authors of ten books between them and have been featured by over 500 media outlets worldwide including MTV, ABC, NBC, CBS, Men’s Health, Elite Daily, Forbes and The Wall Street Journal.