We’re Scot and Emily McKay. We’ve both been in the wrong relationship before, but have been in the RIGHT relationship (with each other) for fourteen years now. To say the difference is profound is an understatement.
The right relationship means you treasure every moment with your best friend, with the almost surreal bonus that you’re hot for each other. Life itself is made immensely easier and more fulfilling by being together.
Meanwhile, a problematic relationship causes deeply rooted resentment, as the blame and guilt pile up. Sooner than later, anger and negativity monopolize both partners to the point of emotional outbursts. Words that never should have been said cut to the soul…yet can never be taken back. Worry and stress take their toll not only on the relationship itself, but also on our job performance and even our health.
And even though you block it out of your mind, deep down you know the kids can feel it.
But the worst part is the CONFUSION. She says she wishes it hadn’t come to this point…but neither of you have the words to say, let alone the actions to make it right again. You don’t want to risk saying or doing the wrong thing…so neither of you do ANYTHING.
Add it up, and it’s no wonder so many fear getting into a relationship at all—even a promising one—because they dread wrecking it and ending up alone again. Or worse, they are already in a relationship, and feel each other slipping away…for no good reason.
But despite all of the bleak statistics on marriage and dark relationship horror stories you see and hear elsewhere, you can beat the odds.
The plain truth is every man I talk to wants a great long-term relationship with the greatest woman he’s ever met. And as men, we all know that women want us to lead. So it’s time we took control of our own destiny.
The right relationship with the woman we want depends on it. But ironically, virtually all relationship advice is geared toward women, and depends on the woman to lead. They’re simply encouraged to drag their guy along, as if that’s even possible.
Ultimately, it’s all about someone else telling her how to try to mold YOU into someone you’re not. It’s time for us to take an active role.
After all, we do that when we approach a woman for the first time, meet her and ask her out. We do that when we seduce her and make her want us.
Why is it, then, that when we finally “get the girl” we leave it all to chance from there?
A relationship isn’t a chore. It’s supposed to be a life well spent with your best friend. But she needs you to be all-in.
A solid plan and 20/20 foresight is what will defy the odds in a world where over half of all relationships fall apart at the seams. Partnerships fail because men and women fail each other. There’s a right way to go about it, and it’s not by studying typical men’s dating advice.
It’s time to go above and beyond to what really matters for the long-haul. Here, once and for all, is the road map for us as men to take back the high, noble and worthy purpose of making a relationship with the right woman great…
Becoming a couple means you’re no longer two single people. Whether you’re young and just starting out or more mature and possibly “set in your ways”, there are clear and proven secrets to forming a true partnership that can go the distance.
The #1 most deceptive idea found in most relationship advice is also the most destructive…bypass it and do the opposite instead
How to choose each other, both of you fully psyched and invested in living the dream together
The three pillars of a strong, fulfilling relationship that are MAJOR predictors of ultimate long-term success
How to identify deal breakers and steer clear of wannabe partners who are not ready to be one half of a great relationship
Clear out potential obstacles to a happy and healthy life together before they become insurmountable roadblocks
How to communicate about and work through past experiences that may affect your relationship readiness…including past sexual assault
All about the “Honeymoon Period”, and why it doesn’t really have to end…regardless of what the cynical masses say
Most relationship advice blindly repeats the mantra that a relationship has to be a lot of work. But we don’t want a second job, we want someone to share an amazing life with.
The overarching relationship mindset that all but ensures rock-solid trust and communication
How to identify the warning signs of relationship stress early on, and what to do about it
A dead giveaway that a relationship is doomed to failure, and what couples who stay together long-term nearly always do instead
Making big decisions and handling immense challenges (or even the everyday ones) together
How to function as a team, making both of your lives easier and more efficient.
Growing together vs. growing apart, even if you have to spend time away from each other
When you get into a serious relationship, the plain truth is your social circle is about to expand. What’s more, you’ll most likely be part of two families from now on. Here’s everything you need to know when it comes to meeting and interacting with each other’s family members, integrating friends (while finding new ones), and even welcoming each other’s children.
Relating to relatives, especially the in-laws
Dealing with adversity from family and friends, either early on or later in the relationship
Brilliant ways to integrate each other’s friends into your life together, and how to make hard decisions when that can’t happen
Foolproof secrets to making friends with other couples, even when she’s the one doing all the coordinating
Finding balance between time together and time spent with friends and family
Powerful secrets to forming a blended family, directly from the voices of experience
Even though it should be obvious to most, both partners should lead a more fulfilling life together as a result of having met and connected. Unfortunately, however, most couples simply go through the motions…day in and day out.
What are reasonable expectations for co-habiting couples?
Creating exciting variety and a life of adventure together
How to go way beyond simply “keeping the spark alive”
Secrets to staying open-minded, even if you don’t have to agree on everything
How to make sure complacency and boredom never subtly descend upon your relationship
Hot ways to keep dating and spending quality time together…long after you’re in a committed relationship
Sorting out his interests, her interests and your interests together…all while introducing each other to new, exciting experiences
Insider secrets to making life fun and interesting on a daily basis (HINT: It’s all about the little things)
As much as you’d like to stay in bed together and shut out the world around you, the simple truth is life happens. Here’s how to get everything done without sacrificing relationship harmony.
Practical steps to getting all of the errands and household tasks done in record time
Health and fitness tips that ward off “growing old and fat together”
Secrets to spending time together efficiently without driving each other nuts, even if you work together professionally
How to gain mastery over distractions, regardless of how urgently they beckon you
Splitting up household tasks in a fair, equitable way that makes perfect sense
The art of the 3-hour vacation (and the longer getaway)
In many studies, the number one reason why couples break up is because of money (even ahead of infidelity). In this audio, you’ll discover how to make finances work for you instead of against you.
Will you be a dual-income household, or will one spouse stay at home?
Screening for like-mindedness on money matters
Forming healthy financial habits as a couple, regardless of how you handled money when single
Should you have combined accounts or keep them separate? Do you have to tell your partner every time you spend money?
Thinking about and discussing ambition and future plans relative to financial goals
What if she makes more money than you do?
Spending vs. saving, and what to do when money gets too tight to mention
Financial freedom vs. TRUE freedom
They say cooking lasts and kissing doesn’t. Well, forget about that (even if you’re foodies). Here’s how to stay hot for each other without ever losing interest, your sex drive OR your creativity.
Flirting forever and keeping things hot in the bedroom
Having frank conversations about boundaries and sexpectations
The meaning of sex…lovemaking vs. simply screwing each others’ brains out?
How to avoid falling into the “roommate trap”
Dealing with differences in sex drive and/or desire
Overcoming assumptions about married sex vs. reality
Staying sexually attractive to each other, and what to do when you don’t feel that way
What to do when lifestyle choice or even sexual orientation changes (HINT: Don’t panic!)
It may seem like your relationship is under constant attack by mental and emotional forces from both within and without. This audio openly discusses how to identify and defeat whatever would seek to destroy your connection.
What keeps us from being one half of a great relationship from the very start
The Four Levels of how men and women find mutual fulfillment in relationships, and how they’re your best defense against relationship killers
Another crucial mindset many couples lack, dooming them to constant strife and an ultimate state of bitterness and disconnection
Different kinds of power struggles that subtly weave their way into a relationship and destroy it
What causes jealousy and how to eliminate its negative effects
How hidden emotional surprises can ambush you at any time in a relationship, and what to do when they appear
The profound effect of today’s political climate, social media, adult entertainment and other external factors on healthy relationships.
Caring for aging parents, special needs children or even each other when seriously ill…all while keeping your bond and your love as strong as ever.
What to do when all else fails. Therapy? Coaching? Divorce?
All of us go through a break up at some time, and probably many of them. But what if that last split left you feeling utterly devastated, as if you had hit rock-bottom? Listen in for objective, actionable ways to have the relationship you truly deserve the next time around, without watching history repeat itself.
What to do when “pesky exes” are still in the picture, including how to mitigate their negative effects on your co-parented children
How to make sure the family law system works for you instead of against you
Valuable 20/20 foresight to keep you from falling into the same relationship traps as before
Bad habits and tell-tale traits can make us susceptible to dysfunctional relationships, but here’s how to turn negatives into positives
How to quickly and easily recognize relationship red flags and avoid them, empowering you to attract someone who is right for you instead.
The sneaky way “almost soulmates” keep us from finding and celebrating true love
Dating again after the death of a spouse (and dating those who have been widowed themselves)
Should you ever get back together again with your ex?
A surprising and honest take on pre-nuptial agreements
It’s no secret that having kids changes everything. Here’s how to navigate the wild, wonderful and often terrifying world of being a father and mother to real, live offspring.
Relationship during pregnancy, and after the baby is born
Raising sons to be men and daughters to be women
Differences between raising boys and girls and the joy of both
Yes…you CAN take an active role in your children’s education. Here’s how.
How to teach your kids to avoid falling victim to predators without freaking them out
Letting your kids experience childhood adventure to the fullest, all while making sure they live to see adulthood
Modeling a “normal” committed relationship for your kids, thereby increasing their chances of having healthy ones themselves someday
How to handle changes over the years as your kids grow from babies to young adults
Allowing reasonable room to make parental mistakes, and not beating yourself up when they happen
University of Houston financial expert Christina Steinorth reveals unique and powerful ways couples can handle family finances in a way that strengthens their bank account, their net worth and–of course–their relationship.
Relationship expert Carmen Smith interviews Scot and Emily about their first-hand experiences introducing their children to each other, then moving in together, and eventually coming to grips with two more new siblings.
Interviewer Danita Walton talks to Scot and Emily all about their groundbreaking concept of “connectability” and why it’s so important to long-term success as a happy couple. Discover how mastery of basic Archetypal Attraction Traits make it easier for us to get along with each other and build a bond that lasts.
As much as we hope to get it right the first time, many of us have suffered through a painful divorce. How do we build a better relationship the second time around? Relationship coach Heather Debrecini gets all the answers from Scot and Emily.
Jon and Laurie Weiss have been married over fifty years, but their relationship hasn’t been without struggles. Find out what they faced early on as a couple and how they overcame those challenges together to be even stronger in their love and commitment to each other.
Why is it that certain people seem to fall prey to manipulative relationships over and over again? Psychotherapist Dr. Lori Vann reveals the surprising traits that selfish people look for when selecting mates, and–more importantly–helps make sure you’re never a victim yourself.
As one of the resident geniuses behind Mind Movies, Natalie Ledwell describes how you can harness the positive power of your mind to visualize your perfect relationship and make it your reality. It can all happen sooner than you think.
As a behavioral psychologist from University of Texas, Dr. Rene Dailey has studied extensively the reasons why couples often break up, only to get back together again…sometimes over and over. If you can relate, here’s what to do in order to break the frustrating cycle and build a more stable relationship going forward.
Communicating to each other in a relationship about sexually transmitted diseases is as feared a topic as it is an important one. That’s why an entire bonus has been devoted to it, featuring expert Sari Cooper with all the information and practical steps you want and need.
After tons of research, Scot and Emily decided in favor of their son John being born at home instead of a hospital. Get all the “been there, done that” information on making the decision itself, plus the factors to be considered along the way…up to and including the big day.
Imagine what Scot and Emily thought when they discovered BOTH were survivors of first marriages to someone with a psychosis. Meet Your Sweet’s Amy Waterman hosts a no-holds-barred discussion on exactly what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone who suffers from mental illness, including the surprising and subtle ways it affects both you and your partner.
Amy Waterman returns, this time interviewing Scot and Emily on the difficult subject of what to do when there’s infidelity in a relationship. Is a breakup imminent, or can healing take place and trust be restored? Expect a poignant, honest conversation on this hardest-hitting of issues.
Long-time expert on love and relationships Terri Orbuch (aka “The Love Doctor”) shares brilliant advice on how to get on with your life once you realize your relationship is over. How can you know for sure there’s absolutely no path to reconciliation, and if not what are the specific steps to getting over heartbreak?
Charming German sexpert Mariah Freya offers her five most effective hacks for taking any relationship from good to great. Aim higher and go deeper in your relationship than most couples know how to.
World-renowned life coach Lauren Zander is the developer of the Handel Method. In this audio she reveals the subtle ways we lie not only to our significant other, but also to ourselves when building a relationship. Identifying your truth can and will help you determine just how compatible you are with your partner, but you must have the courage to face it in order for that to happen.
Should you really think twice before you tell her she looks chunky in those jeans? Steve Siebold is known for his outspoken fitness ideas, but in this interview he cuts to the chase for straight talk about truth in relationships.
Gregory Slayton is both an author and a US diplomat, but most of all he’s a father. Tune in for straightforward and practical advice on how to be the dad your children look up to and respect, all the while taking a more active role in their upbringing.
You can count on sex advice columnist Jessica Wakeman to tell you the truth about sex. This audio is no exception, as she discloses the top ten bedroom blunders most men are habitually committing, even as the women in their lives refuse to say anything about it.
Elliott Connie is a therapist specializing in Solutions Focused Brief Therapy. That makes him the perfect strategist to explain how you can take even difficult issues in your relationship and find clear resolution to them.
This is a $225 value by itself. You get the golden opportunity to pick Scot and Emily’s brain for a full half-hour. And we’re talking live and person-to-person.
Just to clarify, this is not some group teleseminar. You may have very unique questions and/or sticking points specific to your own experience. This 1-on-1 call is your opportunity to get custom-tailored answers to your most unique questions along with solutions for your particular sticking points.
After over a dozen years of coaching experience, Scot and Emily know this is the most powerful way to kick your results into overdrive. That’s exactly why they’ve opened their schedule to you…all at no extra charge.
For over a decade–since the very first day our doors opened back in 2005–all X & Y Communications programs have been protected by our 100%, no-hassle, money-back guarantee. Following that steadfast tradition, we proudly stand by Get Together, Stay Together.
Try Get Together, Stay Together risk free for 60 days. If you’re not completely satisfied, if for some reason you’re not thrilled with your incredible results, e-mail us and you’ll be issued a full and complete refund. You won’t be charged another penny after that. No stress, no strain, no worries.
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We still remember that fateful day a couple in distress called us. Their eighteen-month relationship was on the rocks, even as they were buying a house together. Several minutes into the call, we realized he didn’t even know her last name.
In a world where relationships are crumbling all around us, is yours built to last? It’s often said that “they just don’t make them like they used to”. But that doesn’t have to apply to relationships.
You want to find a partner you adore and get along with, you want it to make your lives happier, and you don’t want to feel like you’re taking a major risk that it’ll all end badly in divorce court.
Well, we’ve gone the extra mile to reveal EVERYTHING we did to choose each other, and everything we do to live the dream together…through both the good times and the rough patches. We’ll show you why it works, and most importantly how YOU can defy the odds and have just as happy and fulfilling relationship on your own terms.
Nobody is sharing these secrets, and it could be because hardly anybody knows them, let alone lives by them. Are you confident asking your couple friends for advice or modeling what THEY do? You’ve got to rise above merely existing together and start living the dream together.
Claim your copy of Get Together, Stay Together and look forward to a long, happy life with the woman you love. We’ll personally hand you the keys to the Member’s Portal. See you on the inside.
Be Good And Have Fun,
P.S. Still not sure? Ask yourself this question: “How will my relationship fare if I do nothing?” If you continue doing the same things you have always done, you are going to get the same results you have always gotten.
P.P.S. Get Together, Stay Together is 100% digital and you’ll gain access today. No hard products will be shipped.
P.P.P.S. Remember, every X & Y Communications program is backed by an unconditional, money-back guarantee for a full 60 days. You can’t lose.
Note: Your results may vary depending on effort and personal circumstances.
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