Most of us have been undressing women with our eyes for years. But come on, man…all that does is lead to frustration.
Believe me, I’ve been there myself. There’s nothing worse than WANTING a woman so badly, but never actually HAVING her.
So how are you going to get to the bedroom to begin with…let alone rock her universe when you’re actually there?
The vast majority of us as men have NO IDEA how to identify the most sexual women who are amazing in bed.
And even if you somehow beat the odds, you have to know the secrets to driving her delirious with addictive ecstasy…making YOU the focus of her every sexual fantasy from now on.
Add it all up and it’s no wonder millions of men are left ALONE with their frustration.
As twisted as it sounds, sex has become something we watch happen to someone else on the Internet.
My name is Scot McKay and I say it’s time to get rid of that disastrous pattern once and for all.
I’m sure you’re wondering what it is that holds SO MANY of us back. Why is it SO HARD for men and women to give each other the cataclysmically orgasmic sexual experiences we deserve?
After all, men and women were DESIGNED for sex…with each other, right?
Yet we already know that most guys screw it up. That means if you could get this part right you’d be the King Of The World.
Women would become hopelessly devoted to you with doe-eyed “enthusiastic consent”, while other men could only be jealous.
Well, here’s the devastatingly simple truth: What’s been missing all this time is knowing HER fantasies just as well as your own.
What if I told you that you have the power to read a woman’s sexual nature like an OPEN BOOK? You can know with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY what she’s going to be like in bed from the MINUTE you meet her.
And women everywhere CAN’T WAIT for you to finally figure it out.
As it turns out millions of women are EVERY BIT as frustrated as most men are.
They’re watching, waiting and even DESPERATELY HOPING a real man will finally come along and satisfy their deepest, hottest and most primal sexual desires.
But…the problem is that society practically demands that they keep their “secrets” to themselves.
Think about it… Most men have NO IDEA what goes on in a woman’s mind at all, let alone the dirty, naughty thoughts she has when she’s good and horny.
If only you could understand THAT, then you would easily decode what it takes to connect with her in the ultimate way a man and a woman can…SEXUALLY
And here’s the crazy part… Women FANTASIZE about a great man like you finally “cracking the code” someday and ravishing them the way they want and deserve.
What you may not know is that nearly every woman on Earth is almost ALWAYS thinking about sex…maybe even MORE than we as men do.
Sure, they usually keep that fact “hidden” from us as best as they can. After all, they need to maintain the social persona of being a “nice girl”, lest they be branded a slut.
But make no mistake about it, there’s a MASSIVE CURRENT of unbridled passion under there that’s begging to be jolted to the surface.
The overwhelming popularity of literotica novels among women is all the evidence you need that this secret thought life not only exists, but is a MAJOR force to reckon with.
Once you tap into the power I’m about to give you (including that enjoyed by male literotica authors themselves), you won’t believe the wonders you’re about to behold.
Fair Warning: The cataclysmic sexual energy of a woman whose feminine nature you ignite with super-magnetic masculine sexuality will ASTONISH you–especially if you’ve never really seen the fullness of it in action before.
But in order to do that, you’ll have to recognize something in her that few men can.
It all starts with believing that women everywhere really, truly have a pent-up desire to be happy, willing, adventurous sex partners in bed…but only for a man who knows what he’s doing.
Then you’ll awaken her passion in a powerful way that she’ll NEVER reveal to just any man on the street.
To do all of that and more, you’re going to have to get Behind Closed Doors.
Think of it. You hold the keys to a universe where you will almost clairvoyantly select the most sexual woman from a sea of pretty faces.
And then, you’ll fry her female circuits with white hot lovemaking skill that would send any of her previous lovers running home to their mamas.
She’ll blissfully and breathlessly proclaim you to be the “best she’s ever had”…even to HER friends AND yours.
Imagine wielding the raw power to stimulate a woman’s wildest, hottest sexual energy with such primal, animal passion that even SHE doesn’t understand what has come over her.
And then, can you have the balls to picture yourself fulfilling her deepest, most private needs SO fully that she can’t help but scream your name out loud and rip the sheets?
The sky’s the limit when you get Behind Closed Doors.
So yes, it’s time to go WAY BEYOND undressing women with your eyes.
Starting today, you’re going to “undress” her motives, her fantasies and what drives her wild.
AND…you’ll be able to see with crystal clarity EXACTLY what she’ll be like in bed, almost from the very moment you first notice her.
Once you discover these breathtakingly simple secrets, it’s only natural that the hottest woman you can imagine will suddenly begin to fantasize about you.
Getting her clothes off for real can’t be far behind. It’s the logical next step.
You’ll effortlessly release her inhibitions and unleash the shamelessly naughty sex kitten within her.
And from there, you can and will give her the sexual fulfillment she’s craving. You can and will give her the best sex of her life…bringing her to orgasm after delicious orgasm.
You’ll never have to contend with a woman who just lays there in bed like a “cold fish”, wishing you’d finish as soon as possible.
Instead, you’ll have a raging, untamed sex vixen on your hands who can’t wait to ravish you with oral pleasures. She’ll crave your hands on her body and giggle in delight with every touch. No more of that ridiculous negotiation process with frigid “ice princesses”…ever.
Best of all, the woman of your dreams will blossom into the sexually confident “show off” you always dreamed she would be, begging you to keep the lights on instead of leaving BOTH of you in the dark.
Suddenly she becomes insatiable…openly preferring loud, passionate, sheet-ripping sex sessions two, three or more times a day instead of just “going through the motions” once a month (at best).
And yes…not only will you keep up with her, you’ll have the power, stamina AND the skill to take her to the moon and back…leaving her in a giggling, trembling afterglow of satisfied bliss.
And with every passing day it’ll get BETTER and BETTER, always improving with all the “practice” you’ll be getting.
You’ll listen patiently as your friends and co-workers constantly bemoan their boring, frustrating sex lives…all the while resting quietly in the truth that the woman in your life is a self-proclaimed sex machine, always eager to please.
It doesn’t matter if you’re locked in a boring, even sexless relationship right now. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t have a woman in your life at all yet. All of those fantasies that you may have long thought were reserved only for other guys are finally yours…as long as you get Behind Closed Doors.
Premium Audio #1:
12 Dimensions Of Being Amazing In Bed
Part One
You may think that ANY sex is good sex, but don’t kid yourself. Truly mind blowing, toe-curling, sheet ripping sex is reserved for the rare few who know how to make it happen.
So what’s it going to be? Will you settle for a “plain vanilla” sex life (or none at all) when all the while there’s a higher realm of ecstasy that is so breathtakingly simple to grasp?
In this audio the first half of a full dozen dimensions of great sex are laid out for you, along with brilliantly effective ways to cultivate each dimension in the woman you desire.
WARNING: This program contains potent truth that most men will never know, and which many couldn’t handle even if they had access to it. As such, it’s NOT for everyone.
Once and for all, an objective definition of what it means to be “good in bed” that EVERYONE can agree on
If you’re using pickup artist tactics on women, you’re probably already talking to the WRONG women. Here’s the shocking reason why.
The three outward personality clues that ALWAYS lead to mind-blowing sex
How to magically convert even the most uptight “ice princess” into your excited, willing sex kitten
She may never actually learn anything from Cosmo about sex, but here’s why you should be REALLY GLAD she’s reading it anyway
Why every schoolboy’s #1 daydream might actually be DISASTROUS to great sex in the real world…and how a more mature man should respond
How to turn even the most modest shy woman into a shameless sexual “show off”
Premium Audio #2:
12 Dimensions Of Being Amazing In Bed
Part Two
Wherever you go, all over the world, the elements of great sex remain the same—yet surprisingly few people really know what they are.
In this second audio of two parts you’ll discover the deepest, most powerful factors that separate those who are good in bed from those who will likely never experience the throes of sexual pleasure in its fullness.
You never again have to endure the frustration of settling for less in the bedroom than the absolute hottest sex humanly possible. Treat both yourself AND her to the blissful pleasure you both deserve…tonight and EVERY night.
WARNING: This program contains potent truth that most men will never know, and which many couldn’t handle even if they had access to it. As such, it’s NOT for everyone.
The single most POWERFUL dimension of all, the linchpin on which all others depend
An outrageous, almost metaphysical technique you can use to dramatically increase intimacy during sex
How to use your voice in a way that drives her wild with a sudden electrical charge of passionate sexual energy
Why the “most desirable women” according to conventional wisdom are usually DUDS in bed…and how to make sure you’re never fooled again
The simple but failsafe way to make any woman better in bed for you than she ever has been for any other guy
The most misunderstood factor that’s often erroneously linked to sexual competence—but which in reality has NOTHING to do with it.
The #1 tell-tale sign of a guy who’s a “rookie” with very limited sexual experience. (The crazy part is that most guys are PROUD to give away this embarrassing secret, yet the truth is silently transparent to EVERY man who’s truly good with women.)
You may have heard a random tip here and there about how to allegedly tell whether a woman is good in bed or not. But let’s face it, in the real world you can’t just watch a woman lick an ice cream cone or something and know for sure.
Now, for the first time ever you have full access to a detailed, socially proven and foolproof step-by-step guide to knowing exactly what a woman is going to be like sexually…long before you ever get naked with her.
Can you fully grasp the raw, almost supernatural power that skillset will grant you as you select women to meet and to spend time with? It truly IS like having X-ray vision…
Practical ways to tell a woman is good in bed as soon as you start talking to her…or even if you haven’t actually met her yet
Every book on how to date strippers and/or adult film stars has LIED to you. Those are almost NEVER the women who are the hottest in bed, and I’ll explain why…along with who to focus on instead.
The obvious “bad habit” that most women would like to break…but which is a dead giveaway that she might give you the best oral sex of your life
Simple “secret” signals you can send…that ONLY women who are amazing in bed will reciprocate
The nearly foolproof guideline for knowing if a woman is good in bed by how she dresses…and it’s NOT what 99.9% of most guys think it is
The 100% certain way to tell if a woman is already fantasizing about sex with YOU
Subtle “ninja” clues that you can discern from everyday conversation with ANY woman about what she’s like in bed—regardless of the type of relationship you have with her
Centuries-old signs of sexual hotness from exotic foreign cultures, previously hidden from the Western world but devastatingly accurate
A college professor’s bizarre discovery that will empower you to choose a sexually compatible woman EVERY TIME
featuring Jason Julius
Knowing what it means to be good in bed is one thing. Knowing how to identify women who are great in bed is another.
But what about YOU? Now you can achieve unstoppable confidence in the bedroom, knowing for sure that you’ll be the greatest lover any woman has EVER had…by leaps and bounds.
In this audio program Jason Julius from Orgasm Arts will arm you with outrageous (but practical) skills you need to send her to the moon and back. She’ll NEVER get enough, and neither will you.
But don’t take MY word for it…listen for yourself, and prepare to have better sex than most men dare even fantasize about.
The most popular teaching in the world of men’s sex advice may actually be KILLING your chances of having great sex. Here’s why…
How social conditioning has made most men TERRIBLE in bed, and how to unwire its influence over you
What women want you to focus on in bed INSTEAD of sex…and it’s probably not what you think
Valuable secrets to mastering the timing, vibe and natural flow of sex (this is CRITICALLY important)
Fascinating truths about how women experience sex differently than men, and how to turn that understanding into a white-hot sexual adventure for the woman in your life.
Three disastrous mistakes men make during dates that ruin any chance of good sex happening
Sneaky ways to deal with condoms and other birth control in the moment without ruining the mood…every one of which she’ll thank you for
featuring Alex Allman
So what if you have a woman in your life who you really like, but the sex just isn’t what it could be? Maybe she’s cold and lacks enthusiasm. Or worse, maybe she just straight up tells you to hurry up and get it over with.
There’s really nothing worse in this life than when the woman you really want is disappointing in bed. I mean, how are you supposed to break it to her? What can you say or do about it without risking a major fight, if not a full-on breakup?
As dire as that sounds, guess what? All is NOT lost. You really can have the sex life you’ve been fantasizing about with her, as long as you follow the right steps.
Well-known sexpert Alex Allman joins me for this frank and at times surprising discussion about what a man can do to transform his woman from the most frigid “ice queen” to the hottest sex princess. This is ALL ORIGINAL material from Alex, available exclusively as part of Behind Closed Doors.
The exact conversation to have with a woman when she’s disappointing you sexually
What to do if she says, “It’s not me, it’s YOU.”
The dangerous phenomenon that keeps MILLIONS of men from enjoying a relationship with a great woman for any longer than just a month or two
The genius way to look at sexual challenges that almost guarantees that sex with a woman CAN and WILL be better than ever before
A strange but highly effective technique you can use tonight to make sex better and more interesting immediately…without fail
The dead-simple way to rid your life of “dead lays”…guaranteed
How to send a supernatural tremor of sexual energy into a woman’s very being that will literally make her gasp in pleasure and want to do anything for you in bed
Why do we do this to ourselves? And better yet, how can we stop sabotaging our own sex lives—all the while disappointing the women in our lives more than we probably ever even realize?
In this audio you’ll gain every secret you need to be expertly prepared for action in every way you can think of…at home, at her place, in the car or anywhere else.
Crucial grooming details that 95% of all men overlook, but which can literally make or break how good you are in bed
Yes, the clothes may come off but that doesn’t mean they don’t matter. How to dress for great sex…from the inside out.
How to achieve world-class mental and physical preparation for sexual activity…never “fail to deploy” ever again
The one thing that far too many couples do on dates, almost surely RUINING any chance at having great sex that night
How to outfit your bedroom, your kitchen AND your bathroom so that better sex is more likely
Counter-intuitive secrets to automotive set up…every one of them designed to make better sex happen more often (even if it’s NOT in the car)
The widely-taught mainstay of pickup advice that you must do the OPPOSITE of when a woman gets naked with you
featuring David Shade
In this action-packed classic audio I’m interviewed by none other than David Shade on how to get a woman thinking about sex LONG before you’re ever in the bedroom with her.
It’s an established fact that the more time you spend warming up a woman’s sexual appetite, the hotter and more rambunctious the sex is going to be once you’re finally behind closed doors with her.
From this day forward you’ll have a treasure chest full of objective strategies for making her writhe in horny anticipation all day long. David and I BOTH made sure to overdeliver for you, no doubt.
This rare audio is newly remastered and features a full transcript for the first time ever.
What I personally do to keep my married sex life with Emily HOT and interesting ALWAYS
The #1 emotion in women that leads to INSTANT horniness…and it’s NOT what you think
How to “test” women you barely know to see if they’re down for sexual flirtation early and often
Genius ways to turn conflict with women who apparently DON’T like you into powerful sexual chemistry…right there on the spot
Endearing ways that even the “girl next door” will try to engage us in mental foreplay ALL THE TIME…yet most men completely miss the signals
How to have naughty, dirty, forbidden and even taboo sex…even if you’ve been married to her for years
The simplest, most effective and yet almost UNKNOWN way to cheat-proof your relationship
featuring David Shade
David Shade returns for this all-new epic audio session on how to get inside a woman’s mind and read her hottest sexual fantasies with crystal clarity.
Imagine the power of knowing PRECISE DETAILS about what she privately imagines doing in the bedroom and how badly she wants it…even if the truth both shocks and excites you.
David spills all of his secrets to decoding a woman’s sexual thought life for the FIRST TIME EVER. You won’t find ANY of this golden information anywhere else, even in his own high-dollar programs.
Did you know that all women have virtually the SAME fantasies? Here’s exactly what they are…in detail.
Objective reasons why no man should EVER feel threatened by a woman’s fantasies—no matter how outrageous they may seem
The powerful secret to getting ANY woman to freely disclose all of her wildest fantasies to you…even if she’s never told a SOUL about them ever before
What to do if you’re NOT interested in living out certain fantasies of hers…all while still making sure she remains fully satisfied and crazy about you
How to create an inseparable link in her mind between her sexuality and YOU…and have her LOVE you for it
Everything you’ve ever needed to know about role-playing fantasies, forbidden fruit fantasies and more…all with step-by-step examples
How to be a “magic man” who reads her mind and almost supernaturally satisfies her deepest sexual cravings
featuring Joshua Rose
Why be like every other boring lover she’s ever had? You can blow her mind with unforgettable sexual adventures that make her drip with sexual curiosity and explode in pure orgasmic satisfaction.
Best of all, you can do it time and time again…all with a lot less effort than you might think.
Sexual creativity expert Joshua Rose joins me for this no-holds-barred, fluff-free discussion that’s guaranteed to deliver dozens of objective steps you can start using TODAY to leave your woman slack jawed with amazement.
Feel the fire course through your veins and let the fun begin…
Brilliantly worded and perfectly timed text messages that automagically get her thinking about sex
How to turn the most mundane errands and household chores into rich opportunities for earth-shaking sexual fantasy
How to frame the classic game of “Truth Or Dare” so you ALWAYS win…AND she does too
The surefire way to make sure every sexual fantasy talked about during a hot sexting session ACTUALLY HAPPENS the next time you see her
A smokin’ hot text message you can send a woman right before you arrive that will put her in the mood before you even get there
Amazing ways to make EVERY sexual position feel better for her than she’s ever experienced before…no matter what the size of your penis is or how inexperienced you are
The most important move you can make RIGHT AFTER sex to make sure the next time is EVEN HOTTER
featuring Dr. Emily Morse
Let’s face it, you can never get enough when it comes to brilliantly original ways to take sex from good to great. So why not get a WOMAN’S perspective on the subject while we’re at it?
Well, like a sexually-charged genie in a bottle, your wish is Emily Morse’s command. As the hostess of the wildly popular Sex With Emily show, you can count on a rapid-fire stream of shamelessly decadent sex tips that will make ANY woman wonder aloud how on EARTH you figured out how to satisfy her so richly.
Leave her breathless thanks to expert tips covering every angle of human sexuality you can think of…and then some.
Dozens of secret techniques that go WAY beyond the “basics” taught in most sex manuals
The counter-intuitive secret to seducing a woman the RIGHT way (and it’s NOT what you’ve been taught by the Seduction Community)
Want to have the most mind-blowing sex of your life? Just add water (or ice)…
Deliciously creative ways to use food during sex
Oral sex secrets in both directions…from a woman’s perspective
The world’s greatest tip for making a woman WANT to send you naked selfies
How to make it HER idea to have a threesome
featuring David Van Arrick
David Van Arrick may be the world’s smartest sexpert. Listening to him explain female sexuality and how to ignite it is like beholding a mad scientist at work.
Don’t kid yourself, though. Yes, David has more scientifically-proven ways to send a woman into orbit with orgasmic pleasure than any one man deserves. But…that doesn’t mean that what he talks about isn’t super easy for you to put into action.
Prepare to be shocked and amazed as you’re equipped with an ever-increasing number sexual techniques that are SO ninja that neither you NOR your women have probably even heard of them before. Yet, every single one of them will increase your sexual pleasure AND hers exponentially.
This audio more than ANY other in this program provided the most amazing enhancement to my OWN sex life with my wife Emily. That can only mean that David is the real deal…guaranteed.
The strange little technique that most women use when masturbating that they don’t even realize they’re doing. Use it on ANY woman yourself and give her more intense orgasms than she’s ever experienced with any man.
One orgasm is NEVER enough…here’s how to give her wave after wave of them every time you make love to her
How to “blueprint” a woman’s unique needs, desires and fantasies in a way that she’ll automatically see YOU as the man to fulfill them
The critical moment during sex where most men BLOW IT…right when their woman was about to explode in orgasmic climax
Is she left-handed? If so, here’s a tiny bit of knowledge that’s 100% GUARANTEED to make sure you’re the most AMAZING lover she’s ever had. (This is WAY too cool.)
How to give women intense breast orgasms, and WHY it’s not only possible but easy to do
Why so many men encounter so much “last minute resistance”, and how to make sure it NEVER happens to YOU again
featuring Susan Bratton
Getting “laid” is one thing. But wait a second…isn’t it time you laid HER, for a change?
Rock your woman’s world AND her headboard with a relentless variety of creative, pleasure-enhancing positions that will make EVERY time feel like the FIRST time…and just might even make her squirt with liquid orgasmic abandon.
No matter what, she’ll welcome the switch from just having plain “vanilla” sex to savoring every exotic flavor imaginable.
Fortunately for you, my expert guest Susan Bratton of Revive Her Drive fame has an INCREDIBLE imagination. Enjoy lusciously hot but highly practical examples from her very own “playbook” chock full of sex positions.
And no worries…you don’t have to be on the Olympic male gymnastics team, run marathons or be a world champion at Twister to enjoy them ALL.
How to know exactly how “kinky” she wants to be and take her right to the edge
How to supercharge even “standard” sex positions so that they skyrocket from good to SPECTACULAR
A completely original and outrageously horny position that virtually guarantees you the best oral sex of your life
The weird but powerful “ancient Chinese secret” that will make your woman gasp in amazement…but yet is SO EASY that any man can perform it like a master
The perfect position to use when you’ve only got time for a “quickie”
An amazing secret move for giving her full-body, squirting orgasms
How to get her excited about anal sex, even if she’s extremely tentative
featuring Adam Armstrong
British sexpert Adam Armstrong interviews me in this fast-paced discussion on how to use simple, everyday words to drive women stark-raving WILD in bed, now complete with a full transcript for your reading pleasure.
If you’re used to silent sex, then you’ve been having BORING sex. It’s really as simple as that.
Add a decadently exciting new sensual dimension to your sexual experience AND hers. It’s all thanks to example after example of the naughtiest things you can possibly say to positively cause a jolt of adrenaline to race up and down her spine.
Women secretly LOVE to say and hear naughty, dirty things in the throes of sexual passion. From now on, you’re sure to become a master at cranking up the temperature in the “heat of the moment”.
The all-important first steps to talking dirty to her in bed…easily get the “ball rolling” in seconds
How to say truly naughty things to her without any risk of insulting or offending her
Two words that must NEVER be uttered in bed…ever
A genius way of framing your masculinity and her femininity in bed which is sure to make her claw your back in ecstasy
The one idea which most guys would NEVER think to talk about, but which is almost sure to make a woman explode with sexual energy…give it a try tonight and watch the fireworks happen
How to direct her attention during the act of lovemaking in a way that’s sure to give her more intense orgasms more quickly
The five “golden rules” of dirty talk that are sure to make everything extra easy and painless for you
featuring Matt Cook
There’s no doubt about it. A life without ultimate sexual pleasure is a life half lived. Yet, millions of men worldwide suffer from decreased sensitivity, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
So why would ANY man rob himself of a clear and present opportunity to make sex feel better, last longer and be more intensely satisfying than ever?
Well, Matt Cook of Sex Research Labs has recently burst onto the sex advice scene with some truly groundbreaking ways to power up your sex life to new all-time levels.
Do you need to keep up with that hot new (and insatiable) vixen in your life? Do you want to leave her breathlessly addicted to the extreme pleasure that overcomes her whenever she’s with you?
You’ve got questions, and Matt’s got answers. It’s all in this stacked audio program, jam-packed with objective steps you can put into action today.
Practical secrets to increasing your sexual satisfaction starting TONIGHT…stay hard and last longer
The almost surreal relationship between pre-mature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction…and why some guys can actually (and ironically) suffer from BOTH
The bizarre (and often unexpected) thought process that almost EVERY guy is burdened with, but which is literally preventing us from having strong, powerful orgasms with the women in our lives
How to finally lose the need for Viagra and Cialis…forever
The fast, effective ways to increase your masculine hormone levels…without doctors, therapy OR dangerous drugs
How to have multi-orgasmic sex for an hour or more…all thanks to a purely natural, logical method
The startling truth about male sexual function that the drug companies have been desperately trying to HIDE from you for over TWENTY YEARS
featuring Dr. Gloria Brame
Sex is one of those topics that’s an endless source of mystery. No matter how much you learn, it seems like there’s always more to know.
Yet, the irony is that some of the most burning questions we as men have about how human sexuality works go UNANSWERED. Maybe the questions are too potentially embarrassing, or perhaps we just don’t know WHO to ask.
Well, with all of that in mind I went out and found the most knowledgeable and down-to-earth certified sex therapist I could find. What’s more, I bit the bullet and asked her the most NUTRAGEOUS questions I could think of.
Basically, I wracked my brain for the hardest, stickiest and most politically incorrect sex questions I could think of. Then, I asked just about everyone else in the X & Y Communications audience for their anonymous input as well.
The end result is a nonstop, fluff-free stream of shameless sex questions that would make even a porn star blush. And my super-cool guest, Dr. Gloria Brame, handled every one of them like the acclaimed world-class sexpert she is.
The no-holds-barred truth about penis size once and for all…including both the pros AND cons of being larger than average
How much ejaculate is normal to produce, and how you can shoot it farther
How to be ready for ANY potentially awkward situation in bed, and exactly what to do if one happens
Anal sex without pain, embarrassment or regrets…your step-by-step guide
How to know when to “make love to her” versus giving her a good, horny pounding
Are there unmistakable physical signs that a woman’s been sexually active lately…or that she HASN’T?
How to make any woman more excited to give you oral sex…and swallow your semen
Every question on STDs that you’ve ever wondered about, and then some
The “atomic bomb” question that’s SO embarrassing to ask that even I refuse to disclose it here (and yet Gloria says that MOST men silently wonder about it)
featuring Scott Hildreth
You’ve seen other dating experts talk about how women LOVE literotica and what you can potentially learn about women’s wants, needs and desires from it.
Well, I’m about to do one better than that for you.
In this absolute GEM of an audio program you’re going to hear from none other than Scott Hildreth. He happens to be a worldwide bestselling author of literotica…and the ONLY one you’ll find who happens to be a GUY.
That’s right, Scott’s going to spill all his secrets to how he gets women to fantasize so hardcore to HIS writings that they write him letters of confession telling him how uncontrollably HOT his stories make them. His reviews on Amazon pretty much say it all.
But that’s not the best part. Here’s the clincher: Scott walks his talk. In other words, his stories are AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL. He’s writing about the ACTUAL interactions he has with women in REAL LIFE.
To say this guy is NO JOKE would be an understatement. Forget “theory engineers” who try to explain how literotica affects the female mind. This guy is out there LIVING it, then WRITING it.
Fair warning: You might find what Scott says both disturbing and counter-intuitive. Even so, his easy-going, nonchalant style will probably catch you off guard.
But seriously, if you can put just TEN PERCENT of the wretched excess this guy talks about into practice, you’re going to be every woman’s HERO…both inside AND outside the bedroom. And that’s just the beginning.
Exactly what it is about literotica that turns women on SO profoundly, and why so few guys genuinely “get it”
Why women fantasize about being “taken”, and how to go about doing it the right way
A brilliant secret for guys in their 30’s, 40’s and beyond on how to consistently date younger women (by the way, Scott is in his mid-forties)
Specific strategies that Scott’s main male character in his books uses to get women horny FAST
Scott’s outrageous method of approach and pickup that most men don’t think can POSSIBLY work…but which the world’s best ladies’ men instinctively use on an almost unconscious basis
A brilliant way to boldly tell a woman that you want her without EVER coming across as needy or desperate (this alone is worth all the gold in Fort Knox)
A weird but proven way to qualify a woman’s sexual curiosity…all in a way that’s so suave that even James Bond is jealous
How to get inside a woman’s head and haunt her fantasies SO powerfully that she’s practically addicted to having sex with you
How to generate such powerful intrigue deep within a woman’s psyche that she can’t help but become obsessed with you…thinking about you CONSTANTLY
Scott’s best secrets to writing sex scenes that literally make women salivate with uncontrollable horniness…and how YOU can parlay them into real-world sexual success, just like he does
featuring Mark Cunningham
What if you could meet any woman and casually take her from friendly conversation to all-out, full-body orgasmic abandon in just a few easy steps…all without ever even TOUCHING her yet?
I know what you’re saying to yourself. Not only have you NEVER seen it done, but you wonder how such a thing can even be possible, right?
Well, believe me I was skeptical at first also. But with a cool, confident expert like Mark Cunningham telling it like it is not only does it all make perfect sense, it becomes EASY to do.
That’s right. Starting today, YOU can plan on giving women mind-bending sexual pleasure using purely your words, your voice tonality and the power of suggestion.
Why settle for boring, neuter conversation with women ever again when you can pull off sexually miraculous feats like what’s revealed in this audio…and have her actually THANK you for it?
Secrets to giving women orgasms ON DEMAND that are available to you RIGHT NOW (and always have been)
The strategic reasons that EVERY man should learn this skill (and this will blow your mind)
A fall-out-of-bed easy way to scan a room in search of the most sexually receptive women
How to easily build a bridge between “normal” chit-chat and almost unthinkably blatant sexual conversation. Most men mess up every time they talk to a woman because they don’t know this simple but crucial step.
How to empower yourself to communicate sexually with women like an expert…even if you’re shy or don’t consider yourself much of a talker
Practical examples of creative ways to heighten a woman’s senses so that she’s practically begging you to bring her to orgasm
The “no-brainer” way to seamlessly transition from “thought-gasms” to practically ripping each other’s clothes off
Certain topics just seem to work better in written form than over audio.
Each of these special reports packs the power of an entire e-book, but in a compact fluff-free package that will take you about ten minutes to read or less.
That crucial first kiss is the gateway to all things physical with a woman…which is EXACTLY why it’s so frustrating not to know exactly how–or when–to make it happen.
Thanks to this report, you’ll never again be at a loss. Recognize the PERFECT time to kiss her and she’ll love you for it…passionately.
Someone once said, “The best surprise is no surprise.” Obviously, that someone wasn’t a woman.
Truth be told, nothing thrills a woman more than a fun, exciting surprise…especially if YOU’RE the genius behind the mystery and intrigue. In this report you’ll discover five FOOLPROOF plans of action.
So…you’ve met a terrific woman and you’re pretty sure she’s attracted to you. That’s a great start.
Now, here are a half-dozen physical things you can do that are absolutely guaranteed to make a her meow with sexual anticipation…immediately. The best part is that they all work on any woman…regardless of age, personality type or where on Earth you happen to be.
I’ll give you a hint. Women don’t typically come right out and say, “Hey, I’d like to have sex with you.”
If you actually do hear that now and then, that’s great…and you definitely don’t need me to decode that one for you. But this report reveals a lucky seven ways a woman is FAR MORE LIKELY to verbalize sexual intent.
Careful, because most of them are widely MISSED by men everywhere. But whenever you hear ANY one of them, all that’s left it for you to get the message and make your move.
The subject of this report is HIGHLY controversial. But that doesn’t mean the thought has never crossed ALL of our minds at one point or another.
So how about it, then? CAN having sex with the woman in your life while you’re mad at each other be EVEN BETTER then so-called “make-up sex”? Wait until you hear my surprisingly bold and candid take on the whole issue.
It’s like the “holy grail” of attraction, isn’t it? I mean, if you can fascinate her, fire up her curiosity and make her think about you CONSTANTLY, you’ve pretty much got her wrapped around your finger.
The amazing truth is that women LOVE feeling that way about a guy. Here’s everything you need to make it happen.
Is it cheating, or isn’t it? End the confusion once-and for all–and better yet, never be manipulated ever again by a woman who wants to either “blur the lines” or play by a double standard.
Above and beyond that, you can use the information in this powerful report to set the right boundaries for a long-term relationship and lead like a real man should.
Since there’s already a report in the Member’s Area for you on how to make the first kiss happen, I thought it only made sense to also include a step-by-step guide to holding her hand. After all, that’s the universal first physical step towards a hot make-out session…and more.
Once you know the secrets in this report you’re sure to be the smoothest operator she’s ever known…and every woman in her right mind eats that up. I’ll show you how to get it right every time.
Some women are exceptionally good at creating a first impression. And it’s a simple, common fact that cosmetics and certain clothes can work WONDERS, can’t they?
But what does she REALLY look like under there? This amazing report will transform how you perceive physical beauty, helping you quickly identify both the “makeover queens” and the natural beauties who might possibly trump them every time.
You know what they say: “You can’t kiss all the girls.” But wouldn’t it be nice if you could get more than your fair share? You bet it would.
It has also been said that “patience is a virtue”. But wouldn’t it be better if the next woman you have your eye on was hot for you sooner than later? Absolutely.
Making a woman feel safe and secure in your presence is one of the “big four” pillars of attraction. It’s all-important to make that happen if you’re EVER going to keep a high quality woman interested.
But what if I told you there’s an almost hypnotic state of mind you can lead her into that’s even BETTER than mere comfort and safety? Are you up to the challenge, knowing it will make her LOVE you–both inside AND outside the bedroom?
If there’s indeed a secret to a FULLY satisfied sex life that’s simple and easy enough to fit into a special report, then it’s my solemn duty to deliver the goods to you.
Well, there really is. And I’ve got your back. It’s all revealed in this jaw-dropping report. (WARNING: The secret is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what a lot of guys are out there doing.)
There’s no doubt about it. More men talk themselves OUT of the bedroom than into it. That’s right…most guys are robbing THEMSELVES of sexual opportunity–even with their wives and steady girlfriends, no less.
Don’t be a statistic. Understand the finer points of sexual dynamics between men and women and never again make any of the six tragic mistakes exposed in this report.
In this eye-opening report I’ll explain one of the most misunderstood aspects of sexual psychology. When we as men get it WRONG, the effects are almost always devastating.
After gaining the basic knowledge in this life-changing report, you’ll be sure to spark sexual interest and attraction where other more needy and desperate men simply cannot.
On any given Saturday night you could find literally THOUSANDS of guys whose main goal is to find a drunk woman to “score with”. Many others are doing their best to get the woman they’re already on a date with a little “tipsy”.
This report blows the lid off of this whole phenomenon and makes a clear case for why getting women drunk is a MASSIVE mistake…and one that no man who is truly skilled in the bedroom EVER makes.
Millions of men all over the world feel shame about their sexuality and guilt towards acting on it.
This one, simple report holds the cure to all of that. After all, shame and guilt SUCK. Know the “forgotten” facts and hold your head high as a man.
As you can see, what I’ve compiled for you is the most complete collection of expert knowledge found everywhere…all squarely focused on getting the hottest women in your life AND experiencing the ultimate sex life humanly possible.
No effort has been spared and no stone left unturned, and by now you can see the result. Consider yourself equipped with every shred of knowledge a man could possibly desire when it comes to sexual prowess. It all takes effect when you see a woman for the first time, and seamlessly carries you through every stage of sexual escalation…all the way to the bedroom, and to the moon and back if you dare.
Not convinced yet? Here’s a brief list of the points you’ll find covered in Behind Closed Doors:
The painfully obvious warning sign that a woman’s terrible in bed. Most men IGNORE it…to their own frustration [Premium Audio #1]
Most guys want a woman to STOP doing this…and they KILL their sex lives in the process [Premium Audio #1]
The #1 way women tragically rob themselves of any chance they have of being a sexual dynamo…usually with the complicit HELP of the men in their lives. [Premium Audio #2]
Every woman who’s BORING sexually shares this trait. Here’s how to ELIMINATE it and get on with the good stuff forevermore. [Premium Audio #2]
If she likes THESE, chances are much greater that she’ll LOVE sex [Premium Audio #3]
The most overrated indicator of sexual prowess, and why you should ignore it [Premium Audio #3]
How to stop worrying about your sexual performance and enjoy the moment instead [Premium Audio #4]
Practical ways to help a woman relax and feel comfortable in the bedroom [Premium Audio #4]
Proactive ways to ensure good sex happens before you even get naked with her the first time [Premium Audio #5]
How to frame a conversation with a woman so as to inspire her toward being better in bed…no drama, no disappointments [Premium Audio #5]
How to set up your place so as to dramatically increase the likelihood of sexual activity [Premium Audio #6]
The absolutely foolproof indication that she really WASN’T planning to have sex with you, but it’s happening anyway [Premium Audio #6]
The philosophical mindset towards sex that truly separates the truly satisfied men from the frustrated “wannabes” [Premium Audio #7]
What to do when you’re with a woman who seems to be giving you ZERO attraction clues whatsoever…and how to make her explode like a Roman candle into sexual frenzy [Premium Audio #7]
None of what most guys worry about in bed will EVER matter to a woman in real life…just as long as her man knows how to do this [Premium Audio #8]
How to turn a woman’s threesome fantasy into reality [Premium Audio #8]
The right move to make at the very moment you see a woman you’ve been flirting with over the phone to prove you’re not “all talk and no action” [Premium Audio #9]
If you’ve ever been tempted to believe that all women are “teasers”, then you’ll LOVE this foolproof truth about the female mind [Premium Audio #9]
Easy ways to make sure that your kisses make her wet with sexual anticipation…every single time [Premium Audio #10]
How to make her excited to do a naughty video with you [Premium Audio #10]
The basic “equation” for concocting earth-shaking, full-body orgasms deep within her [Premium Audio #11]
If you can give a woman multiple orgasms the first time you have sex with her, you can give her multiple orgasms EVERY time you have sex with her. Here’s how and why… [Premium Audio #11]
The four key erotic areas on a woman’s body…and how to properly stimulate them all [Premium Audio #12]
What to say to your woman to get her excited about trying new positions [Premium Audio #12]
Creative words you can use during sex which are sure to make her FAR hornier than what less-experienced guys might say [Premium Audio #13]
How to use your voice in a particular way that’s 100% sure to liquidate her between the legs [Premium Audio #13]
The “hidden” sex problem that a shocking number of men experience…even though some don’t even recognize what’s wrong [Premium Audio #14]
The strange way we as men actually WIRE OURSELVES to enjoy sex less than we’re capable of…and how to UNWIRE ourselves [Premium Audio #14]
How to broach the subject of spanking, hair pulling and other physical activity…even BDSM [Premium Audio #15]
Is “warming up” a woman sexually really a physical thing as much as a psychological one? [Premium Audio #15]
How to assert erotic, sexual leadership quickly…and with amazing results [Premium Audio #16]
A bold, masculine way to talk about sex with a woman BEFORE getting physical with her that all but guarantees that your every wish becomes her command in the bedroom [Premium Audio #16]
Psychological triggers that you can pull at will to make women sexually excited on demand [Premium Audio #17]
A practical exercise for preparing your mind so that you’ll never mess up in the moment when talking to women about sex [Premium Audio #17]
So let’s cover all the important details, just to be sure…
All 17 Premium Audios in MP3 format
Full transcript/notebooks for all 17 Premium Audios in Adobe PDF format
All 16 exclusive Special Reports in Adobe PDF format
All 10 powerful Extra Value Bonuses (which I’ll tell you about in a bit)
The exclusive limited-time Fast Action Bonuses (which I’ll also explain more about below)
Full 24/7/365 access to the state-of-the-art Member’s Area
Instant and complete access to all future additions to the program as soon as they’re released…without any expiration date
And here’s what’s probably the most amazing part, given the immense amount of value I’ve already packed into Behind Closed Doors. I have personally reserved a copy for you at the special price of: $497 $297
That’s less than what just one hour of one-on-one coaching time with me usually costs, yet I’m delivering over 14 hours of uninterrupted, fluff-free content…all squarely focused on positioning you for absolute greatness in the bedroom.
As always, you can buy with 100% confidence. We use highly respected for secure, efficient order fulfillment. Using your private login you always have total control over your account… including the payment and refund processes.
What’s more, you can download Behind Closed Doors and enjoy it on any computer or mobile device without waiting for shipping.
Shortly after you place your order, I’ll personally send you a welcome message in which I’ll hand you the keys to the private Member’s Area. There you’ll have full access to absolutely everything I’ve told you about on this page. What’s more, you’ll continue to have access 24 hours a day, seven days a week…whenever is convenient for you.
And as new updates are released, you’ll have full access to those also–in real-time.
You’ve no doubt already realized that the small investment you make in this program will lead to selecting better women and enjoying a more wildly fulfilling sex life. You’ll never experience the frustration that most men are left to come to grips with…all because they never discovered the simple truths that virtually guarantee endless bedroom adventures with a happy, willing and sexually-charged partner.
Life’s definitely too short for sexual frustration of ANY kind…let alone the long-lasting variety. That’s why TODAY is the day when EVERYTHING changes, both for YOU and for the woman in your life.
It will be as if you’ve found the key to human sexual pleasure beyond estimation…and unlocked her heart, mind AND body. Behind Closed Doors is only minutes away…
I have pulled out all the stops in making my new program the absolute most comprehensive and earth shaking one you’ve experienced in a long, long time. That way there are no disappointments. Because I stand behind that claim 100%, every copy of Behind Closed Doors comes with an ironclad…
All the risk is on me thanks to that 100% money-back guarantee.
But there’s still “unfinished business” to discuss. Just to make sure you can’t wait to get your hands on Behind Closed Doors, I’m going so far as to offer Ten Special Bonuses to you at no additional charge…each of which could easily be sold separately at a premium.
Extra Value Bonus #1–Excerpt From Baby Girl by Scott Hildreth($27 Value)
Scott Hildreth is a man who literally has his pick of beautiful, sexy women…even ones half his age. In Premium Audio #16 you’ll also discover how he parlays his remarkable skills into best-selling literotica books that drive women so wild with horniness that they squirm in their chairs.
As promised in the audio program, Scott has graciously agreed to share the most important excerpts from his first blockbuster novel Baby Girl with you. What you are about to behold are the precise passages that point to applicable, transferrable skills that you can start using in the real world, hand-picked by the author himself.
Extra Value Bonus #2–10 Signs She’s Good In Bed by Marni Kinrys($27 Value)
As I’m sure you’ve noted above, Premium Audio #3 covers my epic take on how to identify women who are amazing in bed. But how about getting a woman’s own perspective on the whole subject as well?
Well, Marni Kinrys has been the world’s greatest “wing girl” for thousands of guys for over ten years now. That made her my undisputed first choice for the mission at hand, and she was more than excited to take it on. The result is this all-original e-book, created by Marni exclusively for Behind Closed Doors.
How do her thoughts and observations compare to mine? Wait until you see what’s in store…
Extra Value Bonus #3–The Art Of Flirting From A Woman’s Perspective with Fran Greene($27 Value)
The art of flirting is widely understood and misapplied by men everywhere. Yet, in truth it’s actually amazingly easy to effortlessly talk to women in a way that clearly demonstrates you’re both interesting and interested.
Fran Greene, the author of The Flirting Bible joins me for this practical guide to igniting your conversation with women in a way that makes sure they can’t help but adore you. Want to stay out of the dreaded “just be friends zone”? Here’s your ticket.
Extra Value Bonus #4–Overcoming Shyness with David Hamilton($27 Value)
If you’re not meeting women, then you’re not relating to them and you’re certainly not creating attraction. Shyness is the #1 killer of men’s chances with women, and a devastating source of endless frustration for every man who suffers from it.
David Hamilton is a professional confidence coach, the author of Dissolving Social Anxiety and a self-proclaimed former shy guy. Listen in as he delivers valuable keys to doing away with shyness in your life forever, lifting the burden and forevermore giving you the freedom to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere…even the most beautiful women.
Extra Value Bonus #5–How To Have The ‘STD Talk’ With A Woman with Dr. Sari Cooper($27 Value)
When it comes to a topic this important, I went straight to the best expert I knew on the subject. Dr. Sari Cooper is a licensed sex therapist who has made high-profile appearances on Dr. Oz, Good Morning America and many other television shows.
You’ll appreciate her practical, down-to-earth solution for smoothing out this potentially awkward moment in any sexual relationship. Best of all she doesn’t hold back, telling you everything you need to know…and then some.
Extra Value Bonus #6–All-Original Discussion On Women, Dating And Relationships with Gary Goodbloke($27 Value)
Recently I was asked to speak at a well-known conference for men in Sydney, Australia. To help promote the event, coordinator Gary Goodbloke interviewed me, asking me just about everything he could think of that might possibly help guys get better with women.
That can only mean that what you’re about to hear is something completely different, in the best way possible. I’m still in awe of how Gary managed to extract such a wealth of brand-new material from me. Seriously, the majority of this content hasn’t been revealed before or since.
Extra Value Bonus #7–Secrets To Shaving Her Nether Regions (from The Difference) with Jason Lane($27 Value)
Do you fantasize about being with a woman whose most intimate areas of her body are clean shaven? Perhaps you’ve already got a wife or girlfriend and would be turned on to no end if she shaved down there. The only question is how to make her as excited about it as you are.
Jason Lane is one of those somewhat rare dating gurus who actually lives the charmed life surrounded by hotties that he teaches guys to have for themselves. That makes him the perfect guy to reveal all the treasured secrets to not only getting a woman to want to be clean shaven, but to even let you do the honors yourself.
In this essential audio, originally included as part my epic program The Difference, you’ll discover every step you need to not only get what you want, but make an exciting erotic event out of the whole thing.
Extra Value Bonus #8–Self-Hypnosis For Greater Success With Women with Dr. Steve G. Jones($27 Value)
What if you could harness the power of your mind, ridding your life of any and all fears, doubts and insecurities you have surrounding women and sex? You can imagine how much better your life would be…overnight.
Dr. Steve G. Jones is a world-famous general practitioner of hypnotic arts. He joins me in this groundbreaking audio program for a down-to-earth, practical discussion for normal guys on how to use self-hypnosis to improve your fortunes with women both inside and outside the bedroom.
Extra Value Bonus #9–Sexually Attractive Communication with Julianne O’Connor($27 Value)
Julianne O’Connor is a best-selling author and an expert on how the male and female mind interact together to generate attraction. What’s more, she’s a lot of fun to talk to and genuinely adores men.
Some of the ideas you’ll encounter in this fast-paced audio are unique and controversial enough to raise your eyebrows, but they’ll also change the way you interact with women forever.
As an extra-special surprise, Julianne has also agreed to give you an excerpt of her newest book. You’ll find that in the Member’s Area for you as well.
Extra Value Bonus #10–Monthly Membership: Power Sessions For Men (Optional)
($27 Value)
If you are among the majority of men who would rather have one amazing woman to build a life with than an endless string of one-night stands, this is for you. Power Sessions For Men represents my absolute most advanced level of teaching, and is reserved for the elite among men who are committed to going from good to great.
Every month, as part of my inner circle, I’ll send you audios, videos and/or special reports breaking down specific components of what it takes to be a man who deserves the very best. What’s more, I’ll personally answer your e-mails directly…usually within 24 hours. That’s right, 1-on-1 e-mail coaching from me is included as part of your membership.
With your order, you’ll have the optional opportunity to join the Power Sessions For Men inner circle, and your first month’s membership will be free of charge as a special bonus.
Subsequent months are just $27 each. As you would expect, Power Sessions For Men comes with an unconditional 365-day guarantee and you can easily cancel at any time by simply accessing your account and doing so.
And let’s face it, if you are already energized to discover what an ultimately fulfilling sex life looks like, you probably can’t wait to get your hands on Behind Closed Doors.
But you see, I happen to believe it’s you–and others like you who act fast–who have the very best chance to not only see spectacular real-world results, but to see them happen at lightning speed.
So, with that in mind, I’ve arranged for an additional Three Fast Action Bonuses…each of which will dramatically enhance your experience with Behind Closed Doors.
If you’re reading this, it means the window is still open at this very moment and you’ve still got the chance to get in on all of that extra value. But you’ve got to move quickly.
Seriously, quantities are limited and as guys claim these premium bonuses they’re going to start disappearing…quite possibly within hours or even minutes from now.
Fast Action Bonus #1– LIVE 1-On-1 Phone Consultation
(Regularly $127)
IMPORTANT: Strictly Limited To The First 50 Guys Only
Are you kidding me? This is a $127 value by itself… If you act extremely fast, you’ll get your chance to pick my brain for a full half-hour. We’re talking live and person-to-person.
Just to clarify, this is not some group teleseminar. I realize you may have very unique questions and/or sticking points specific to your own experience. This 1-on-1 call with me is your big chance to get custom-tailored answers to your most unique questions along with solutions for your particular sticking points.
There’s no question that this is the most powerful way to kick your results into overdrive…FAST. I know that’s the case from tons of coaching experience over the years, which is exactly why I’m opening my schedule to you…all at no extra charge.
But make no mistake, I’ve got the same 24 hours in my day as anyone else, so I simply cannot keep this bonus online for long at all.
In fact, since this live phone consultation is very real and therefore involves actual time on the schedule, I’m sure you can easily understand why only the first fifty guys who are decisive enough to snap up their copy of Behind Closed Doors will receive this extra-special bonus. After that, it’ll disappear.
Fast Action Bonus #2– How To Give A Woman Squirting Orgasms (featuring Adam Armstrong)
($37 Value)
IMPORTANT: Strictly Limited To The First 150 Guys Only
It’s unquestionably the most powerful expression of female sexuality and the most deeply satisfying orgasm that any woman can experience. Yet, it also remains one of most controversial and taboo topics of all.
I’m talking, of course, about the mind-blowing but elusive phenomenon known as “female ejaculation”.
For years it was debated if it was even for real. But there’s no question about it nowadays: If you want to give a woman such fist-clenching, toe-curling, neighbor-waking orgasms that she never even thinks about so much as looking at another man ever again, then making her “squirt” is the #1 badass skill you must possess.
British sexpert Adam Armstrong was commissioned to create this very special audio program especially for Behind Closed Doors. To say he overdelivered would be an understatement. If you’ve ever wondered how to make your woman hug and kiss you constantly with a big smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye, this is the answer you’ve been searching for.
Fast Action Bonus #3– Conquering Performance Anxiety (featuring Alex May)
($27 Value)
IMPORTANT: Strictly Limited To The First 250 Guys Only
I first met Alex May when we shared the stage at a conference in Europe. What he does for a living in his hometown of Moscow, Russia is nothing short of remarkable. Among other things, he performs live “orgasm therapy” on real, actual women…typically with outrageously successful results.
But in this audio he’s all about increasing your ability to experience true sexual pleasure…at will and on your own terms. More specifically, Alex is going to reveal to you exactly how to do away with the frustration of not being able to get and maintain an erection when it counts.
It’s very true that most guys deal with this embarrassing and disappointing problem at one point or another in their lives. This audio program empowers you with the right strategy to use should it ever happen to you, along with plenty of knowledge designed to make sure the next time is the last time.
For over a decade–since the very first day our doors opened back in 2005–all X & Y Communications programs have been protected by our 100%, no-hassle, money-back guarantee. Following that steadfast tradition, we proudly stand by Behind Closed Doors.
Try Behind Closed Doors risk free for 365 days–a full year. If you’re not completely satisfied, if for some reason you’re not thrilled with your incredible results, e-mail us and you’ll be issued a full and complete refund. You won’t be charged another penny after that. No stress, no strain, no worries.
You are backed by one of the most consistently acclaimed and trusted customer service teams in the field of relationship advice and self-improvement. Expect direct, courteous, no-nonsense answers to your queries within 24 hours. We’re at your service around the clock.
Your transaction is also fully secure, allowing you to relax, enjoy the program and expect powerful, measurable success.
Chances are, you answered either one or the other of those questions with a resounding “yes”.
But if you’ve read thus far you probably want out of a sexually boring lifestyle where, if anything, the elusive quest for good sex (if any at all) seems like too much work…all for very little, if any return on your investment of time, energy and emotion.
So by now you’ve got to ask yourself, how much better would life get immediately if the hottest, most sexual women were drawn to you…and your every wish in the bedroom was their command? How much is that worth to you?
For most guys, such a revolutionary transformation is worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox. In fact, mastering the art, science AND real-world practice of human sexuality is a priceless concept in the mind of just about every man.
Yet, I guarantee results. I can do so with full confidence, having seen first-hand how gaining the knowledge found in Behind Closed Doors really is like having x-ray vision into a woman’s sexual thoughts, wants and desires.
I’m convinced that such superpowers–and the richly satisfying sex life that inevitably comes as a result–can and will be yours if you make the bold decision today to accept the opportunity that I am offering to you, right here and right now.
So order now…without any risk, only the potential for exponential return. Make no mistake: I want both you AND the amazing woman in your life to have the most fulfilling sex life possible together.
I look forward to delivering the multitude of life-changing secrets found in Behind Closed Doors to you today.
Be Good,
P.S. I am passionate in the belief that Behind Closed Doors will deliver results beyond your wildest fantasies. My 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE says that you will have the most mind-blowing, sheet-ripping sex of your life…and so will she.
P.P.S. Remember…you REALLY CAN pick the most sexual woman out of a crowd and rock her world better than any other man could. Or, you can live with regrets…possibly forever. The choice is yours…